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Is Berlusconi afraid of a dying Democratic Party?

Is Berlusconi afraid of a dying Democratic Party?

What happens to the Democratic Party. The Scratches of Damato

"A Pd in ​​a doll, played like a boxer, is a danger for Giorgia Meloni because it gives the golden share of the political counterpart to Giuseppe Conte 's M5s, who – from the draghicide onwards – has returned to grow thanks to the" no "regardless ". So wrote Marco Zucchetti in a recent editorial in the Journal of the Berlusconi family inviting "everyone", right from the title, to fear "the coma" in which the party of Enrico Letta finds itself, put on the rails of a congress destined to end with the primaries only on March 12, in four and a half months.


"An enormity", the former president of the Democratic Party Matteo Orfini warned in vain in a speech to the last direction in the Nazarene, complaining, among other things, of the underestimation of the danger posed by a "hypocritical and transformative" Giuseppe Conte . Who from "the highest point of reference of progressives" indicated by the former secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti has become the competitor of Enrico Letta , and whoever succeeds him, at the helm of the opposition. A race – say – in which, if he lost it, the Democratic Party would pass from coma to death, from the intensive care unit, where he ended up after the electoral defeat of last September 25, to the morgue. Other than "the new Democratic Party" proposed by the outgoing secretary as "guarantor and arbiter" of the entire congress process of "re-foundation": a secretary dismissed with derision by Libero as a "bedouin wandering endlessly in the desert of the left".


But the danger felt by the Giornale for the coma of the Democratic Party really only affects Giorgia Meloni because of a "counterpart" hegemonized by Conte in his latest version of the extreme left, or almost? It is too malicious to think that even more than Meloni – certainly aware of the harshness of the clash with Conte, during whose speech to the Chamber on trust you gave "shit" according to a labial reconstruction that is not denied – the danger threatens Berlusconi? Which could find itself even tighter than now in the right-center that has become its original center-right if it could not count on a dialoguing Pd for emergency solutions in case of crisis.


On the other hand, despite having inaugurated the season of bipolarism, based on the opposition to the left, Berlusconi did not have much hesitation in participating with the Democratic Party in majorities called "large" or "national solidarity", according to the circumstances. He did so in the autumn of 2011 by giving Palazzo Chigi to Mario Monti and supporting a technical government opposed instead by Umberto Bossi 's Lega. He did it again in 2013 with the first and only government of Enrico Letta, preferred by him to a Matteo Renzi whom the then President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano was already ready to call to Palazzo Chigi if he had been nominated by a majority recognized in the inopportunity of close the legislature that has just begun. Poor Pier Luigi Bersani had naively believed he could form a government defined as "minority and combat" with the help of the grillini.


In 2018, in the face of the unexpected electoral victory of the 5 Stars Berlusconi practically granted the Lega, in the meantime under the leadership of a Matteo Salvini who had surpassed him in the polls, the license of a government with Conte in order to avoid early elections, also so. And when, in 2021, during the same legislature, the second government of Giuseppe Conte also failed, surprisingly allowed by the Democratic Party, Berlusconi did not hesitate for a moment to join the government and the "anomalous" majority desired by the President of the Republic, in the impossibility or unavailability in early elections in a period of acute pandemic, sending Mario Draghi to Palazzo Chigi. Then Berlusconi dragged the Lega in the majority with the Democratic Party. According to some sources, the Italian brothers of Meloni wanted to stay out of it – or they were excluded due to a veto by the grillini the first female-run government in the history of Italy: a real bingo.

Of this right-wing bingo, Berlusconi, not surprisingly distinguished by unpredictability and nervousness in the first steps of the new legislature, and still tempted – talking about it with Bruno Vespa – by distinctions on the side of the war in Ukraine, frankly seems more like a prisoner, although applauded as a patriarch from the Meloni government standing in the Senate, who a beneficiary. And it would be even more so if the Democratic Party also left the opposition scene to dissolve into emptiness, or accept subordination to the grillini. The adventure of which, moreover, had begun in 2009 with the attempted registration of Grillo himself to the Democratic Party, in Sardinia, to climb the national secretariat left by Walter Veltroni . At the time, Berlusconi was still in power with his center-right, albeit already undermined by the ambitions of Gianfranco Fini.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/berlusconi-teme-un-pd-moribondo/ on Tue, 01 Nov 2022 08:02:25 +0000.