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Leonardo, what happens to Grottaglie for Boeing?

Leonardo, what happens to Grottaglie for Boeing?

The employees of the Leonardo di Grottaglie plant organize a strike on 22 and 29 September. All the details

Arms crossed for the employees of the Leonardo plant in Grottaglie.

Strike on 22 September in the Grottaglie plant and garrison in front of the airport on the occasion of the inaugural day of the event dedicated to aerospace and sit in in Rome on 29 September on the occasion of the meeting between unions and Leonardo's Aerostructures division to discuss the number of days of the empty work in 2022 and the tools the company intends to use to manage them.

These are the two protest initiatives decided yesterday morning in the assemblies of the workers of the Taranto site of the former Finmeccanica. The metalworking unions Fiom CGIL and UILM declare this in a note .

In the Leonardo plant in Grottaglie (with 1300 direct employees), work will resume on 20 October.

It has been suspended since before August following the collective closure plan that affected the site, which belongs to Leonardo's Aerostructures division and builds two sections of the carbon fiber fuselage for the Boeing 787.

So far the redundancy fund for personnel has been avoided: the employees remained at home with the collective closure plan.

All the details.


As we said, the pandemic crisis and the lower demand from the client Boeing have so far been managed in Grottaglie without resorting to the cig, but through a collective closure plan. This has taken effect from August 2020 and does not require work – on a scheduled basis – on Fridays and Mondays.

For the Grottaglie site (which also built 14 pairs of fuselage sections per month), the group led by Alessandro Profumo undertook to search for additional activities complementary to that of 787. Among these, the choice to involve the Grottaglie plant in the Eurodrone program.


On 17 September, the Piazza Monte Grappa company illustrated future investments for the Grottaglie site: in addition to the previously announced Eurodrone (whose production start is expected in the two-year period 2026/2027), further work orders are planned for other programs of the same Boeing customer, expected from 2024. The building intended for these works will be “Building 2” (former sub-assy), which was awarded to Leonardo by Aeroporti di Puglia.

The group has made it clear that the sustainability of the Grottaglie plant is dictated by the production rate of 787, which will have to return to settle around the double figure, so that the arrival of the announced new orders is useful to saturate the delta of personnel.

Leonardo announced that the next years 2022/2023 will be very complicated years, the unions report.


Yesterday morning the RSU “exposed the contents of the site meeting of last September 17th to the workers. The prospects of the Grottagliese site declared by Leonardo – Fiom and Uilm point out – are only announcements still being defined, while the absence of work that characterized 2021 is a certainty that will last for at least the next two years ". "For the workers – say the two metalworking acronyms – it is unacceptable that in the other divisions of the Group there have been increased workloads that an extraordinary and increase in the employment area is achieved, while for the Aerostructures division the use of social safety nets ".


”Leonardo – they add – must think like a One-Company also in terms of redistribution of workloads. The workers – it is emphasized – demand certain answers with respect to the future production prospects of the site and have reiterated their clear opposition to the use of social safety nets ".


This is why on 22 September there will be a strike by Leonardo workers and induced with supervision starting at 5 am at the Leonardo Grottaglie site and garrison near the Arlotta airport in conjunction with the opening of the "Mediterranean Aerospace Matching" aerospace fair.

On 29 September, however, a garrison of Leonardo Grottaglie workers will take place at the headquarters of the national meeting of the Aerostructures division to be held in Rome and concurrently with the same.

"Further forms of mobilization will come with the workers in the following days" the unions announce.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/leonardo-che-succede-a-grottaglie-per-boeing/ on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:58:50 +0000.