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Letta has a hodgepodge in the pipeline

Letta has a hodgepodge in the pipeline

Center-right and center-left grappling with electoral programs and candidacies. Paola Sacchi's note

While the center-right switches to the government program and fixes the first points, reckless attempts by the center-left to keep everything and its opposite together in order to try to block the way to the coalition of FdI, Lega, FI clearly favored by all the polls. Today a summit is scheduled between Enrico Letta, secretary of the Democratic Party, and the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda. While Luigi Di Maio presents his new party "Civic Commitment" together with Bruno Tabacci.

The operation – says Letta – is to bring together "all the souls from those of the most left to the liberal ones, reformers without however placing vetoes". To make "an electoral agreement". In short, the Democratic Party does not close its doors to anyone just to beat the notorious "right".

For his part, Calenda asks for "clear words": "Do not nominate Nicola Fratoianni (Italian Left) who has said no to trust in the government 55 times [he has also always voted against sending weapons to Ukraine ed ], Angelo Bonelli [Verdi ed ] who says no to the waste-to-energy plant in Rome and Luigi Di Maio in the single-member boarding schools ”. But, in fact, Calenda says no to these candidacies in the uninominal, while in the proportional, candidate from the Democratic Party, evidently could be fine.

The jumble front that goes from Fratoianni to the former blue ministers Maria Stella Gelmini and Mara Carfagna, now with Calenda, shows all its evident contradictions. And Matteo Renzi, leader of IV, warns: “If Letta and Calenda come to an agreement, they will toast to the right”. Both Calenda and Renzi are against the inheritance tax proposed by Letta on large assets for dowry to eighteen-year-olds. Renzi lashing: "This is how a gift is given to the right".

If the left shows all its legacies of a post-communist or post-fundamentalist culture from the DC left, without real reformist turning points, a problem arises, however, for the representatives of the small center of the left, that is to give themselves a clear profile and make precise choices in alliances. To get out of an unresolved situation that reminds a little – by resorting to an albeit risky comparison between figures and very distant historical contexts – the crushing of the PCI "bestists" who wanted an alliance with Bettino Craxi and his modernizing PSI and anti-communist.

Renzi talks about the third pole, Calenda will be seen. While in reality the "center", understood as liberal and anti-tax policies, has long ended up in Forza Italia and in the Lega itself, a post-ideological, pragmatic party of the entrepreneurial middle classes but also of workers. Despite the accusations, the center-right all together with Giorgia Meloni's FdI has always voted yes to sending weapons to Ukraine; unlike, for example, Fratoianni.

The permanent table for the center-right government program kicks off yesterday. It starts from the "total sharing" of FdI, Lega, FI on three points: Italy's commitment to support Ukraine, the constitutional reform to transform Italy into a presidential republic and the approval of the differentiated autonomy of Regions. The technical discussion on the colleges, on the other hand, should resume today with a meeting between managers, excluding the leaders.

During the meeting of about two hours there was – reads the joint note – "satisfaction with the unitary climate encountered". He continues: "The coalition that shares values, ideas and identity battles has placed at the center of its political agenda the emergencies affecting the Italian economy, such as inflation, the international crisis at the gates of Italy, the energy crisis, the costs of raw materials, and the measures to be implemented immediately ".

"Total sharing" was expressed – it is specified – in "reaffirming full compliance with Italy's international commitments in relation to the war in Ukraine, presidential reform, autonomy". Final remarks: "While the center-right is working to give citizens a clear idea of ​​how it intends to govern for the next five years, the center-left is still busy defining the scope of alliances."

Today's meeting will be above all technical and aimed at defining the details of the agreement made last week by the party leaders on the subdivision of candidates into the single-member constituencies envisaged by the Rosatellum. The agreement provides for 98 colleges in FdI, 70 in the Lega, 42 in Forza Italia and 11 in Noi with Italy and Coraggio Italia. FdI should 'take charge' of the latter, while Lega and FI should divide the colleges destined for the UDC, but this last piece has not yet been put down in black and white.

“On the left they argue over alliances but agree to raise taxes and introduce property. The center-right, on the other hand, wants a fairer and lighter tax, will defend the savings of the Italians at all costs ”, says Licia Ronzulli, vice president of the Forza Italia group in the Senate. And Antonio Tajani, vice president of FI: “We want to lower taxes, Letta instead wants assets. A sad spectacle from the left ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/centrodestra-centrosinistra-programmi-governo/ on Tue, 02 Aug 2022 05:13:27 +0000.