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Like Striscia, provolone Andrea Giambruno

Like Striscia, provolone Andrea Giambruno

Andrea Giambruno's off-air performances greatly disturb the first birthday of the Meloni government. And the prime minister announces that their relationship is over. Damato's Scratches

However high and appreciated in the West her international exposure is, and the colorful internal front of the opposition is in difficulty, Giorgia Meloni will blow on Sunday with some anxiety or discontent on the first candle of her government, which took office on 22 October last year. “A difficult year in Chigi”, was the headline in the Confindustria newspaper 24 Ore. Which he observed, commenting on the pleased title of the event organized by the right-wing parliamentary groups – "winning Italy, a year of results: how the Meloni government is restarting the nation" – with a well-known criticism from Lina Palmerini. Which however recognizes "the lower-than-expected results" as the mitigating factor that a year ago "no one could have foreseen that the Middle East would join the Ukrainian front, that inflation would continue to bite and that the landings" of migrants illegal immigrants "would have reached the peak of 2016".


Fortunately, fairness or otherwise, the journalist of the Confindustria newspaper ignored, or excluded from politics, where the newspaper Repubblica placed it in the front page headline, a professional accident involving the prime minister's partner, now ex , Andrea Giambruno. An incident that Meloni would have gladly done without due to the use that the political and media opposition can make of it.

It's an out-of-the-box story, called a back room in television jargon, taken from a Mediaset broadcast – "Striscia la notizia", ​​on Canale 5 – from a sister show – "Il diario del giorno", on Rete 4 – in which Giambruno swears with a comely colleague of editorial staff. Here is the initial part of Francesco Merlo's stinging story, again in Repubblica : "It's no longer funny, Andrea Giambruno, who touches and retouches his package with his cupped hand and every two words says at least one "fuck" and then explains to a colleague whose face you can't see that the company philosophy is "to fuck", in twos, in threes, "yes, we also do foursomes ". And little by little the dumb bastard becomes a wolf and a pig and wants proof of competence at work. “An aptitude test?”. “Yes, fuck”. The colleague "whose face you can't see" in that passage from Fuorionda is the comely Viviana Guglielmi.


“But what a scandal: Giambruno in good faith,” was the headline in the Giornale , still partly owned by the Berlusconi family, trying to defend Meloni's partner. Which in the meantime, coinciding with the nonsense attributed by the usual Fatto Quotidiano to Pier Silvio Berlusconi, missed a presentation of his "diary of the day". “An expected shift, they explain from Rete 4. But it is the first time it has happened, in the last month, for a prince consort who now embarrasses the kingdom,” Emanuele Lauria wrote in Repubblica . The kingdom is naturally that of Mediaset, to which Forza Italia also belongs in some way. From whose lock there is always someone who peeks to assess the degree of true approval that Meloni enjoys.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/andrea-giambruno/ on Fri, 20 Oct 2023 06:51:06 +0000.