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Lilli Gruber’s rally

Lilli Gruber's rally

What Lilli Gruber said to Aldo Cazzullo of Corriere della Sera. Damato's Scratches

Without her knowledge – I think – Lilli Gruber, in an interview with Corriere della Sera promoting her seasonal return to the television lounge of La7, where the common publisher Ubaldo Cairo seems to follow her with a certain, unusual awe, dismissed Rai as the late Guido Carli the Soviet Union after a mission of trust, and very personal, entrusted to him when he was Treasury Minister by Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, now in his seventh and last government.

“Irreformable” Carli told Andreotti of the USSR anchor after having examined on the spot the effects and prospects of Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika, glasnost and more. On which Andreotti's predecessor at Palazzo Chigi and still secretary of the DC Ciriaco De Mita had bet so much, after a trip to Moscow with his family, that he proposed the removal of Sergio Romano as ambassador to the Kremlin for having received invitations to a certain distrust , or just prudence, in the approach to the Kremlin and surrounding areas.


“Irreformable” said Gruber of the public radio and television company protected by Francesco Messina's dying horse to Aldo Cazzullo who had asked her, also for having worked there in many of the past years: “In Rai the right has done no more and no less than was he the left? Or did he do worse?”. Rai is unreformable and "insatiable the politics" that control it, even more brazenly and unilaterally than before since Matteo Renzi – as Lilli recalled, Dietilde by birth – took advantage of his passage to Palazzo Chigi to return control to the government, from Parliament to which his predecessors had tried to entrust it.


As if to strengthen her judgment of irreformability, that is, to make it worse, Gruber complained that she had to learn, by reading the newspapers that were fortunate enough to inform her, that "Giorgia Meloni would have made a pact with Marina Berlusconi to protect the family businesses ”, competitors of Rai under the sign of the snake. “Citizens who pay the license fee deserve a more dignified spectacle. And finally a law on conflict of interests", observed the presenter of Otto e mezzo with a somewhat – pardon me the irreverence – tone of a "complainant", as she herself wanted to say about Giorgia Meloni when speaking about before and after the I arrive at the helm of the government, for the first time female and of the declared right, indeed very declared. And also a little too familiar for the tastes of my very authoritative and beautiful colleague.

Friendly pressed by a Cazzullo who went so far as to remind her that "they also say that you are a bit too left-wing, or in any case anti-government", even perhaps – I suspect – in the sometimes hasty conduct of your broadcast or in the choice of colleagues more frequently invited, Gruber said, verbatim: "More than the right or left label, I believe that a journalist should be highlighted whether he asks all the questions or not, sticks to the facts or tries to manipulate the story, whether he acts as a drumbeat to propaganda or if he tries to dismantle it. This matters in the end, if we talk about journalism." True, indeed very true, for goodness sake.

At this point, however, I give in to the temptation to ask myself – without wanting to dare ask you directly in an interview that I didn't ask you, and which I probably don't even deserve – whether Meloni's "pact" with Marina Berlusconi "to protect companies" of the latter cannot be classified as manipulation of a story by the newspapers to which Gruber alluded when speaking of her readings, and in some way accrediting them.

I could go so far as to ask, on the subject of manipulated and manipulatable stories, this time referring not so much to Gruber but to the newspapers that usually inform her, whether right-wing or left-wing, whether the suspicion that I have read or felt from someone has not also been manipulated. part that is attributable to the defense strategy of the Biscione televisions to the detriment of Rai is the purchasing campaign which brought, for example, Enrico Berlinguer's daughter with her White Card to Rete 4 and surrounding areas. Where the interested party was just able to discover and testify, in an interview with the very hospitable Corriere della Sera , that parties don't matter, not even the one who lives on Berlusconi's sureties inherited from his children.

On the other hand, Bianca Berlusconi is not the first to have discovered and tried the biscione as a re-edition – given the due proportions, of course – of the NATO umbrella under which her father in the mid-Seventies declared he felt more protected, more confident in his search for the autonomy of Italian communism from the Soviet one. Even the good Michele Santoro happened to work well, if not better, under that umbrella by leaving Rai. Courses and appeals.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/lilli-gruber-rai/ on Sat, 16 Sep 2023 05:21:37 +0000.