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Lombardy regionals, how Fontana, Moratti and Majorino are moving

Lombardy regionals, how Fontana, Moratti and Majorino are moving

Facts, names and maneuvers of the candidates for the presidency of the Lombardy Region. The point of Michelangelo Columbus

Healthcare, transport and autonomy. These are the 3 topics most touched upon in the campaign for the election of the President of the Lombardy region – and for 80 regional councilors – which will be held on 12 and 13 February next.


Who will succeed Attilio Fontana ? Most likely himself. Fragmentation in the opposing camp does not help the centre-left and the Third Pole, which already found themselves in the difficult position of overturning a centre-right majority now in government since 1995 in Palazzo Lombardia. Letizia Moratti, former health councilor of Fontana who took the leap to run as a candidate with Renzi and Calenda, is campaigning at full speed both on social media and around the Lombard provinces. It certainly does not lack resources, but the "betrayal" – real or perceived – to the cause of the centre-right, the door slammed after it seems to have been denied the possibility of inheriting Fontana's office, places it as an outsider in the dispute . More than a novelty, his civic list seems to be the landing place for many souls disappointed by the center-right both nationally and regionally.


The candidate of the Democratic Party and the 5 Stars, Pierfrancesco Majorino, is a historic exponent of the Milanese radical left, catapulted into the role of aspiring President after the resignations of Carlo Cottarelli and the Dems' niet to Letizia Moratti. Majorino has never hidden his leftist creed: last week he was even visiting the Leonkacavallo, a historic social center in Milan that he frequented – and, apparently, still frequents – for years. Its coherence, however, is at the same time also a disadvantage in a conservative region like Lombardy. Perhaps the Democratic Party – if it really didn't intend to end up in opposition again – should have chosen a more moderate candidate also known in the Lombard heartland. Majorino is too easily labeled as radical chic in the historic center of Milan by his opponents. Nationwide uncertainty about the future leader of his party weighs heavily on his campaign, but perhaps helped his rise as a candidate. Will he be able to take advantage of it?


However, the campaign does not appear to be gaining momentum. All this plays into the hands of Attilio Fontana, almost certain of reconfirmation. The balance, however, will be very different in the coalition that supports it. Having almost completely disappeared the influence of Communion and Liberation – which had dominated in the years of Formigoni and, in part, also in those of Roberto Maroni – Fontana will go to sit again on the 35th floor of Palazzo Lombardia thanks to the crucial contribution of Fratelli d 'Italy, who will take the opportunity to overturn the balance of power with the Lega Salvini Premier in the most prosperous region of the country. Repercussions are also expected for the leadership in the Northern League and at national level for the government of Giorgia Meloni.

However, the Governor expects a significant result from his list, Fontana President – Lombardia Ideal – coordinated by the regional councilor Nicola Cosentino, and which sees a strong civic component within it with the leaders Katia D'Avanzo and, in Milan , with Rotarian Graziella Galeasso, organizer in Italy of the world End Polio Now campaign, which has also been supported by the Lombardy Region for 9 years.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/regionali-lombardia-come-si-muovono-fontana-moratti-e-majorino/ on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:10:05 +0000.