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Love and hate between Renzi and Calenda

Love and hate between Renzi and Calenda

The death of Silvio Berlusconi was fatal for the fate of the third pole. Damato's Scratches

The acceleration of the process of crisis, indeed of dissolution, of the so-called third pole formed last year by Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi , in the alphabetical order accepted at the beginning also by the former prime minister, is due to the death of Silvio Berlusconi , to the benefit of his former minister, with apparent generosity. They had exaggeratedly set out to frustrate the now obvious victory of the center-right in two years, becoming too large a burden for the government of Giorgia Meloni in the European elections of 2024, in terms of the number of votes and ability to move. And at the same time defeating on the other side the project to resume an alliance between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement after the break that took place with the fall of Mario Draghi's government.


While on the left that recovery project was felt, albeit with ups and downs, with the arrival of Elly Schlein at the Nazarene, alarming Calenda to such an extent as to perhaps make him fear of remaining isolated, on the right Berlusconi's death made the eyes , but perhaps even more at the bowels of Renzi, the blue electorate of Forza Italia is more contestable. To defend which there is naturally, with the certainly not irrelevant support of the family of the deceased founder, the secretary that the party has given itself by promoting the regent Antonio Tajani. Who, having just turned 70 and celebrated with close friends, feels strong in the career given him by Berlusconi in the European Parliament, leading him to the presidency for a certain time, and in the roles, always procured for him by Berlusconi, in the government in office as vice president of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Which precedes all the others not only in ceremonial, especially at a time like this, in which international politics is the terrain chosen by Giorgia Meloni for the evolution of her right that has grown so rapidly with her amidst so many suspicions, distrusts, worries.


Renzi does not admit it publicly. Indeed, he recently said that he laughed when he was given little consideration of Tajani as truly Berlusconi's political heir. Of which Renzi himself – at the time when he was at Palazzo Chigi, where Tajani was only able to arrive later in the years as deputy – willingly let himself be represented by the mutual friend and admirer Giuliano Ferrara as the "royal baby".

It is true that the infant gave the alleged father the displeasure of preferring Sergio Mattarella to Giuliano Amato at the Quirinale in 2015, receiving in retaliation his no to the constitutional reform and the referendum rejection destined to cost him first the leadership of the government and then of the party. until finally making him leave it. But, despite all this, Renzi has always managed to have a cordial relationship with Berlusconi, reciprocated with even traits of sympathy.

Now – the former Tuscan prime minister must have thought upon the death of the blue sovereign – perhaps the right moment has come to try to profit from it and somehow revive the leafy legend – from Foglio , the newspaper founded by Giuliano Ferrara – of the " royal baby".


Marina Berlusconi protests against the magistrates – coincidentally, the same ones Renzi fights against in Florence – who persist in prosecuting her father as the beneficiary or even the instigator, or almost so, of the mafia massacres that accompanied their arrival at Palazzo Chigi in 1994? And he, Renzi, runs to prove her completely right.

Does Meloni show any uncertainty, fear, embarrassment on the guarantee front for some dross of the past justicialism of the right, and for fear of a return to Berlusconi's uncomfortable times at Palazzo Chigi in relations with the robes union? Up to distancing himself from his Justice Minister Carlo Nordio, who pursues "priorities" not agreed upon by the majority? And he, Renzi, runs to side with the Minister of Justice and to take over from a party colleague in the competent Senate commission to personally support the bill for a taste of the justice reform which Swrgio Mattarella at the Quirinale struggled a bit to grant the authorization for the parliamentary port.

With Berlusconi and his guaranteed battles, in short with his most significant political legacy, Renzi was more generous, more timely than with Craxi's good soul. Even though he had preceded the current senator from Scandici in the 1980s in an attempt to modernize the left and to make real, non-verbal, indeed wordy reformism.


After having said, in the golden age of secretary of the Democratic Party, that he preferred the memory of Enrico Berlinguer to that of Craxi thinking of a pantheon of the left, Renzi only decided last Friday, August 4, to revisit Craxi, let's put it this way, on his Riformista by celebrating the 40th anniversary of the formation of his pro-government, the first led in Italy by a socialist, with two laudatory interviews: one with the outgoing editor of the Giornale , Augusto Minzolini, the prince behind the scenes of that government, and the other to Gennaro Acquaviva. That at Palazzo Chigi he was Bettino's main collaborator with Giuliano Amato. It was Acquaviva himself in this interview, flattering him with shrewdness, who indicated in Renzi the man who politically could be compared most to Craxi for "determination, courage and political imagination".


Does Calenda, now aligned with Schlein and with Conte for the minimum wage, have something to say about the participation of some Renzian exponents at a dinner with the minister Santanchè in Briatore's Twiga and now of Santanchè's new husband? And Renzi defends his friends by nailing Calenda to the Capalbio beach of the chic left of the old days. Between Capalbio on the left and Versilia on the right, Renzi chooses the latter.

The one between the two protagonists of the "terzopollismo" sarcastically coined by Marco Travaglio in the Fatto Quotidiano , they now call it "the short divorce". But was theirs ever really a political marriage? Or just Massimiliano Panarari's “wasted opportunity” on Secolo XIX ? Or, worse still, just the coexistence of two birds of prey: one attracted by the left meat and the other by the right meat?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/terzo-polo-amori-odi-renzi-calenda/ on Sun, 13 Aug 2023 05:09:47 +0000.