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Marelli, how is the contract negotiation going?

Marelli, how is the contract negotiation going?

Balance sheet of the second day of negotiations between the unions and Marelli on the harmonization of economic treatments regarding the transition from CCSL to CCNL. The intervention of Ferdinando Uliano, Fim Cisl national secretary

Yesterday the second meeting was held between the trade union organizations and the Marelli company to discuss the harmonization of economic and regulatory treatments in the face of the company decision to switch from the CCSL to the application of the CCNL for the metalworking industry.

The path provides for the recovery within a second-level contract of the differences that today see on average higher treatments in the Specific Employment Contract. Marelli has formally declared his availability so that in the transition between the two contracts no worker can lose anything, both in terms of legislation and in terms of wages.

On 23 November, the issue of classification was addressed, which represents a particularly critical junction in the negotiation, since the two contracts have very different disciplines on this issue. The CCSL, in fact, provides for only three professional areas, while the CCNL is divided into 9 levels.

The company has delivered a draft to the trade union organizations in which it proposes to transform the differential on the minimums between the two contracts, which is against the CCNL, into a non-absorbable superminimum.

For the FIM , this proposal is not acceptable because, in addition to transforming a dynamic part of the salary into a fixed amount, it would introduce a double penalty regime for new employees compared to workers currently in force, canceling an important part of the bargaining.

For the FIM, the transition to the levels of the National Collective Labor Agreement will have to provide for the maintenance of pay differences in terms of dynamics within the second level of negotiation with an impact on all institutions, so that they can also be applied to workers hired after the conclusion of the negotiated.

We then agreed with Marelli to foresee wage increases linked to inflation to increase basic pay during the negotiations. The negotiations will continue on Wednesday 14 December.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/marelli-come-procede-la-trattativa-sul-contratto/ on Thu, 24 Nov 2022 06:38:07 +0000.