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Mattarella, Meloni, lunch and fantasies

Mattarella, Meloni, lunch and fantasies

What Sergio Mattarella and Giorgia Meloni said to each other. Damato's Scratches

Although they had just met in Piazza del Popolo to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Air Force, perhaps agreeing on that occasion to have a longer discussion at a lunch held yesterday at the Quirinale, the two hours of "cordial and collaborative" meeting between Sergio Mattarella and Giorgia Meloni – according to the official versions of both parties – lent themselves to double readings, as frequently happens in politics.

According to La Repubblica, the prime minister went up to the Colle to raise the "alarm" or "the fears", according to La Stampa , of the head of state who has now reached – one might think – the limit of endurance in the face of the increase and overlapping of "obstacles" that would also have been admitted by Meloni, albeit in the certainty of overcoming them all: from immigration to the implementation times of the recovery and resilience plan, from the appointment game to the new procurement code registered by the Northern League leader and vice president of the Council Matteo Salvini and challenged, at least hotly, by the president of the control and guarantee authority called Anac.
Going, as usual, well beyond the worst representations, to the contemplative Fatto Quotidiano of Giuseppe Conte's five stars they attributed to Mattarella, reversing the parties, the usual Melonian announcement of the "free ride" and even represented in the cartoon of the day the premier like a little girl spanked, belly down, by the landlord. A show that Piero Sansonetti's Riformista must have imagined too with that white-on-black title that makes the "alarmed" Head of State say. “Hey, Giorgia, what are you up to?”.
According to Il Messaggero , the newspaper closest to the Quirinale at least as the crow flies, almost below it with its headquarters, Meloni climbed the hill to receive a "push" from it certainly not towards the non-existent abyss of a crisis, given the parliamentary numbers of the majority and the conditions of the opposition even after the changing of the guard which took place at the Nazarene with the arrival of Elly Schlein. Even Repubblica , on the other hand, in a "background" that somewhat contradicts the opening title on Mattarella's "alarm" refers to a premier in search of "a bank" which is not frankly denied with that official version – I repeat , on both sides- of a "cordial and collaborative" meeting.
Among " Giorgia 's troubles", as Il Foglio calls them, but I don't know if it also entered the menu of topics at the lunch between Mattarella and Meloni, we could also include the fire lit in the political debate by the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa , dismissed by the manifesto as a "State Republican", not opening – in truth – but reopening an ancient controversy, which in the past has also divided the left, on the attack in via Rasella in 1944, which provoked the ferocious reaction of the Nazis with the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine. But we will hear and see still others until Liberation Day, April 25th.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/mattarella-meloni-il-pranzo-e-le-fantasie/ on Sat, 01 Apr 2023 06:17:39 +0000.