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Me, Renzi and Mancini. Ranucci’s post (with the letter from the teacher to the Autogrill)

Me, Renzi and Mancini. Ranucci's post (with the letter from the teacher to the Autogrill)

The teacher who filmed Matteo Renzi's meeting with 007 Marco Mancini answers the doubts of the leader of Italia Viva. Ranucci's post (Report) taken from his Facebook profile

The teacher who resumed the meeting with 007 answers the doubts of Senator Matteo Renzi

Dear Siegfried,

I read Senator Renzi's doubts, published on the ItaliaViva website at the following link : about your report that was broadcast last night and who provided you with the video material.

I try to answer for every point that concerns me.

1- "While the father is sick, the lady becomes suspicious because she sees an" elegant but shady "guy who wanders around nervously waiting for someone"

I get suspicious because the guy (Marco Mancini) was clearly impatient, he looked at his cell phone several times and was with two other men. I wondered who this person was with an escort in tow.

2- “… the lady is not interested in her father”.

My father had a bad gastro-intestinal problem that led him to use the restroom facilities in the rest area for various periods of time. My father is certainly not very young, but fortunately he does not need help. What was I supposed to do all the time he was using the toilet? Hand him the toilet paper? I just picked up the chamomile tea they had prepared at the bar, and went back into the car to wait for my father.

3- “Renzi without his coat on December 23rd, in the midst of people passing by, and the lady continues to video record with contempt for danger. Congratulations to the cell phone battery in the meantime ”.

That it was December 23 is also recorded in the front of the photos that cannot be tampered with, or at least not by me.

The service area, and even more that area of ​​the same, was almost deserted as the main structure is undergoing renovation and the minimum services in temporary containers are ensured. So this is a service area that was certainly not working at full capacity at the time.

The video shot does not last absolutely 40 minutes but 29 seconds. While the entire meeting lasted 40 minutes, during which I did not see an exchange of sweets, of the fathers he talked about in the interview. I don't know if it happened through the men of the escort.

And to the question "did my father keep going to the bathroom in the meantime?", The answer, even if it embarrasses me, is yes! My father was forced to use the toilet several times due to illness.

4- “the Prof. locked inside the car manages to record the farewell words“ You know where to find me ”which seem almost a threat. The fact that the lady is able to hear words at a distance of meters, with the window closed, without even reading her lips because the two are wearing a mask ".

I was inside the car, yes, but with the driver's window (therefore the front left) slightly lowered even though it was winter I kept it like this to ventilate the passenger compartment a little. The two people greeted each other very close to my car and so I could clearly hear the greeting and the sentence uttered in a tone that was anything but threatening.

5- "But it does not end here, because the lady shows off divinatory skills and explains that the elegant but shady gentleman turns and returns to Rome, while Renzi goes to Florence … how is it possible?"

It is possible because the service area in question is before the Roma Nord tollbooth from which once you have passed it you can continue to Florence, as Renzi's car did, or turn and return to Rome by taking the so-called link road turning to the signs for L'Aquila / Pescara / Naples. The car of the gentleman who met Renzi left just before I left the motorway restaurant, I left before Renzi, then his car overtook us in the direction of Florence at great speed.

6- “The Lady keeps the video like a relic for four months. Then suddenly he spits the toad and spends a forty-minute video to the Report's editorial office because he recognized in the elegant but shady gentleman a famous executive of the Italian secret services, of whom there hadn't been photos for years. But she recognizes it, very good ".

I did not keep the video on the contrary, on 31/12, I sent the material to the web editor of a national newspaper which never answered me or even contacted me. The Report staff is aware of this email of mine.
I want to reiterate, as I said in the interview that I never recognized the guy in the photos, nor could I, and I didn't know his identity until the Report service was broadcast. I sent the material to the editorial staff of Report after the report on April 12, 2021, not because I recognized the executive of the secret services, but simply because the report rekindled my curiosity to know why in almost full government crisis, one of the protagonists would meet in an almost abandoned and deserted service area. I would like to emphasize to Senator Renzi that if one day he wanted, I would also be willing to meet him, alone, without other people, because I would like to remove the doubt that someone had spied on him or that he ended up at the center of a conspiracy. Unlike the gentleman she met, I don't belong to any secret service, I'm just a normal teacher who found herself in the right place but at the wrong time. Wrong, certainly not for me.

With infinite esteem

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/io-renzi-e-mancini-il-post-di-ranucci-con-la-lettera-della-prof-allautogrill/ on Fri, 07 May 2021 08:09:18 +0000.