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Melons Salvaged?

Melons Salvaged?

The preferential relations between parties that support coalition governments between history and news (in the Meloni government). The Scratches of Damato

From the crisis that broke out between Paris and Rome on the migrant front, the privileged nature of the relationship between Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini in the center-right government coalition emerged in all its evidence. Or right-centre, as the Prime Minister's party now prefers it to be called. And as the editor of Berlusconi's Giornale , Augusto Minzolini, defines it from time to time in his editorials, but in a teasing way, when he wants to underline the difficulties or errors of the government.


Just today the Corriere della Sera published a detailed article by Tommaso Labate on Berlusconi and his friends distancing themselves from government decisions or announcements. The reference on the front page has a title that could not be clearer: "The counterpoint of Forza Italia".


All government coalitions, on the other hand, end up having preferential relations between the electorally strongest party and one of the others. In the distant era of centrism, for example, the DC had intermittent preferential relations with the liberals, sending Luigi Einaudi to the Quirinale in 1948, or with the republicans of Ugo La Malfa. At the time of the first centre-left, the DC was pulled – except in the short duration of their unification – by social democrats and socialists to favor one over the other.


Even in the years of the majority of so-called national solidarity, between 1976 and the first months of 1979, the DC, by assuming sole ownership of the government, made up entirely of Christian Democrats and chaired by Giulio Andreotti, established a preferential relationship with the Communists. To whom – having to leave them out of the government to avoid problems with the Americans, who distrusted them very much due to their ties with Moscow – also excluded socialists, social democrats and republicans.


In the transition between the center-left and national solidarity, the DC had favored the republicans with the formation of the two-tone Moro-La Malfa. The same would have happened in 1981 with the promotion of the republican Giovanni Spadolini to Prime Minister, after having denied Palazzo Chigi to Bettino Craxi two years earlier. To which however the DC, although led by a Ciriaco De Mita who had risen to the top of the party precisely in order to contain the socialist leader, had to cede him in 1983. To take him away, with the bad manners of two government crises and an appeal to early elections, De Mita had to wait four years: a very long time due to the habit we had of producing governments on average of about one a year.


Even in the so-called second Republic, the government coalitions enjoyed privileged relations between the strongest party and one of the others, well before Palazzo Chigi, therefore, in what is no longer known whether to define the third or fourth Republic, as homonymous television broadcast, Giorgia Meloni arrived and established a preferential political relationship with the leader of the League. Which was thus compensated for all the votes that were stolen from her by Meloni herself in the polls on 25 September, and in the previous regional or municipal electoral rounds.


The privileged relationship with the League on the part of the Prime Minister is such as to make Claudio Tito write today in Repubblica of a "salvinised government". And to make it appear so even to Emmanuel Macron, displaced and irritated , even before Meloni, by the triumphal announcement of victory given by Salvini to the announcement of the Elysee's willingness to disembark for the first time in a French port over 300 migrants rescued off the African coast by a volunteer ship.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/meloni-salvinizzata/ on Mon, 14 Nov 2022 05:48:00 +0000.