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Migrants and Covid, all the contradictions of Europe and Italy

Migrants and Covid, all the contradictions of Europe and Italy

Italics by Giuseppe Gagliano

To speak of an evident failure on the redistribution of immigrants in our country is a pleonasm.

In fact, what our country has obtained from Europe is the laughable and ridiculous willingness to redistribute 10 illegal immigrants in Lithuania, two Luxembourg and 10 in Ireland out of a total of 18,000 landed since the beginning of the year until 15 June.

But what has Germany actually done in which Merkel does nothing but praise our prime minister?

The majority parties of the government – of a Christian approach – have firmly rejected the redistribution of migrants in Germany. This means that the requests made by Rome and, in particular, the need for European sharing advocated by the current Italian Interior Minister, has been radically rejected.

This means that in theory the Italian government should alone be able to manage immigration by stopping NGO ships from entering our ports and implementing rapid expulsions.

This is what Italy should do in theory, but in a country dominated by certain ideologies – which we have briefly discussed in a previous article – this cannot happen as the considerable flows of immigrants demonstrate.

We are talking about 2000 landings coming from Libya and Tunisia to Lampedusa as well as from Algeria to Sardinia or even from Turkey to Calabria.

In fact, the data tell us clearly and indisputably that almost 19,000 illegal immigrants have landed in Italy since the beginning of the year, a number that is certainly impressive if we consider that this figure is nine times higher than the immigrants who had landed in 2019. the summer season this number is likely to increase.

Beyond the rhetoric, there is no doubt that the initiatives taken by the current Minister of the Interior are in favor of illegal immigration, as demonstrated on the one hand by the protocol signed for the humanitarian corridors which, not surprisingly, saw the involvement of both the community of Sant'Egidio both of the Waldensian Church and of the UNHCR and on the other hand the fact that the minister has given the green light to the NGO ships and to the significant increase in state contributions for the related hospitality associations as we have repeatedly stated on these pages to left-wing Catholicism. Starting with Caritas. It does not seem that the Italian authorities realize that the increase in illegal immigrants constitutes on the one hand a danger for public safety but also for the spread of Covid.

But on this issue there is a paradox we could say to the Italian: while the Minister of Health has placed a ban on entry for those who regularly arrive from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh due to the spread of the so-called Delta variant, this prohibition does not apply. for illegal immigrants, that is, it does not apply to those who arrive in Italy thanks to traffickers.

That it is only Italy, in which both the Catholic Church and the Catholic left have an undisputed political-cultural hegemony, that is practicing a pro-illegal immigration policy is evident if we think about the way Greece operates. the policy of refoulement at sea is systematic but above all it has indicated Turkey as a country capable of safely welcoming all those asylum seekers who come from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia, countries that have one characteristic in common and that is to be with an Islamic majority just like Turkey.

Spain is also following Greece in this choice as evidenced by the recent episode of June 15 in which a hundred immigrants tried to illegally enter Spanish territory through the enclave of Melilla. This entry was prevented by the Spanish Civil Guard.

But if all this has happened, that is, if illegal immigration has now become a problem at European level, it is mainly due to the pro-immigration policies of both the UN and the EU, which are increasingly endangering security. nationality of European countries and are implicitly facilitating not only the trade of immigrant traffickers but also the spread of terrorism in Europe.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/migranti-e-covid-tutte-le-contraddizioni-delleuropa-e-dellitalia/ on Mon, 28 Jun 2021 08:25:01 +0000.