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Minimum salary? Yes, but not by law

Minimum salary? Yes, but not by law

Defending and raising the wages of Italian workers today is urgent and a priority and must be achieved with the consent of the social partners by intervening on several factors. The intervention of Roberto Benaglia, general secretary of Fim Cisl

The definitive directive adopted after a long confrontation by the European Union on the subject of adequate minimum wages does not impose any minimum wages by law, but asks that every country raise wages through healthy bargaining, banishing any possibility of contractual dumping.

This is what must be clearly communicated to workers and citizens, enhancing our system of industrial relations.

For the Fim Cisl a good contract is worth much more than a simple minimum table. The only way to avoid poor wages is to certify representative contracts and make universal together with all their wage and regulatory contents.

The new Istat data published today on the IPCA will allow metalworkers to obtain increases well above the 112 euros defined last year, in a very different scenario.

Thanks to the safeguard clause negotiated, the 2023 and 2024 tranches will be revised, arriving according to current forecasts (to be verified in the future) to approximately 200 euros of total increases per month at the end of the contract.

Of course, these increases today are not enough to protect the wages of increasingly competent and capable metalworkers in the face of a sharp rise in inflation. It is necessary to enhance the work in terms of remuneration.

Now, however, it is up to the Government to do its part, to convene the social partners to weigh down the net payroll in a structural way, acting on the contribution wedge by limiting the increases in tariffs, removing incrementality from the non-taxed performance bonuses, which have been the tool for 25 years. which correlates wage increases with productivity, encouraging bonuses increasingly linked to the growing skills of those who work, and raising the fully tax-free flexible benefits up to 1000 euros, which can be negotiated.

Defending and raising the wages of Italian workers today is urgent and a priority and must be achieved with the consent of the social partners by intervening on several factors.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/salario-minimo-si-ma-non-per-legge/ on Tue, 07 Jun 2022 13:27:51 +0000.