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On who has fallen the ax of Grillo

On who has fallen the ax of Grillo

What Grillo decided and what Conte accepted. The Scratches of Damato

The drama of the grillini – but not Beppe Grillo , who screwed them all by producing another show of his own without even having to pay the rent of a theater – is all in a photo and a mobile phone.

The photo is the one taken in an entrance hall during Grillo's last and unfortunate mission in Rome as a "guarantor" of the 5 Star Movement: a mission that had to be orderly, but was reduced to disorder, to try in vain to put in the minds of his parents that the crisis of the Draghi government could not be caused by an incinerator in Rome, submerged by waste destined for wild boars.

Conte and Grillo, in the image, smile showing off friendship, sympathy, cheerfulness and so on. But Grillo's smile is turned to others offstage, to whom it seems to mean that the other has not understood anything of what is happening to him. And it actually happened to him: a half beheading, pardon the pun. The title reserved today by the Reformist to the ban imposed by the comedian on the exceptions already promised by Conte as president of the Movement to the "great" – so to speak – arrived at the statutory terminus of the second mandate: "Grillo sets aside Conte and resumes command ". We will then see what to do with it.

The cell phone is that of the Count himself, who – according to reports so far not denied – called the victims of Grillo one by one to console them, to ensure that he "gave it all" to avoid what happened and ask, textual: "You have it a profession? How can I help you? ”. Questions that demonstrate the improvisation of the movement around whose "centrality" revolved almost entirely the legislature that came out of the polls in 2018. Questions to which a cartoon I have seen I no longer remember where he attributed to Luigi Di Maio the merit of having personally escaped with some advance by promoting the split – which is basically the true origin of the government crisis and the early dissolution of the Chambers – and trying to get back to Parliament thanks to a few passes, by hitchhiking.

I imagine the face and the words of the Roman vice president of the Senate on the phone with Conte, Paola Taverna , if really called: she, used to "smashing" the unwanted person on duty. That in 2013 it was even Silvio Berlusconi, practically expelled from the Senate, in fact, by open ballot imposed by the then president of the assembly Pietro Grasso in retroactive application of the so-called Severino law after a definitive conviction for tax fraud: he, in turn, always the Cavaliere, among the major, if not the major Italian taxpayer.

Since there is often some hero, or at least escaped, from a drama, it is not surprising the news given by the Foglio about the former Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede , with two warrants on his shoulders, and in addition the responsibility of having brought Conte into the movement. and at Palazzo Chigi, until the trauma of being replaced with Mario Draghi.

“Bonafede – Il Foglio said – has already returned to becoming a lawyer in Florence. Except that before being Keeper of the Seals at most he was opposed to the fines of the traffic police. Now, on the other hand, he has a megalactic studio with two offices in Florence and Milan. As Longanesi said: he sought the revolution and found comfort ”.

Among the defeated or victims of Grillo there is also Marco Travaglio. Which, for heaven's sake, has not lost either Il Fatto Quotidiano or the management, so much so that Conte immediately consoled him with the usual front page interview in favor of his third pole "just and open to civil society". But not later than yesterday Travaglio himself concluded his editorial dedicated to the pentastellate events by writing: “Conte runs alone with the 5Stelle. And Grillo, after 18 months of tireless efforts to bury them, seems to be threatening to finally do something for them: to leave ”. From sarcasm to the sin of misinformation, or presumption, as you prefer.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/su-chi-si-e-abbattuta-la-scure-di-grillo/ on Sat, 30 Jul 2022 06:36:30 +0000.