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Pd: will Zingaretti’s faults fall on Letta?

Pd: will Zingaretti's faults fall on Letta?

Letta will pay for the effects of the legacy left by Nicola Zingaretti, practically fleeing the Democratic Party with the unexpected promotion of Conte to the "highest point of reference for progressives". The Scratches of Damato

Waiting now only for the results of tomorrow's elections, in the silence that has finally fallen in the squares and in the television salons that have been some of its branches in a very special summer, Giorgia Meloni crosses her fingers and Enrico Letta her feet.

Meloni really feels victory within reach, freed from other risks of gaffe than what – just think – was offered in Italy and abroad as a guarantor of Europeanism, Atlanticism, anti-Putinism and so on. center-right with female traction. He, who came to support, indeed to reveal as in a scoop that his friend from Moscow did not want to harm Ukraine by invading it in February. He just wanted to replace Zelensky and the Kiev ministers with "good people". Everyone wondering, dismayed, left and right, west and east of Arcore, why the Knight no longer has friends who can give him good advice. No one who remembers Berlusconi's habit of surrounding himself more with courtiers than with true friends.

With that frankly incredible exit on "good people" with whom the Ukrainian government could or should have been replaced in the "denazification" operation proclaimed in Moscow, one almost wants to say that fortunately the center-right, even the Northern League traction has vanished , ended up in the hands of Meloni.

And Enrico Letta's feet? They are the ones who, reading certain chronicles of the closing rally in the Roman square of the Popolo, already wobbled on stage in the eyes of party friends ready to take off the secretariat, as in 2014 they had paraded, or had allowed Matteo Renzi to take off the Palazzo Chigi. Perhaps, this time they will grant him the honor – or dishonor, according to preferences – of a congress, ordinary in March or anticipated by a few months, in the widespread prediction of a defeat in what was then a race not for victory, even though invoked in words, but to an unsuccessful content.

To be honest, however, the secretary of the Democratic Party does not seem to me that half or whole moron represented by critics and opponents. He pays the effects, even before his mistakes, of the legacy left to him by Nicola Zingaretti , practically fleeing from the Nazarene, with the unexpected promotion of Giuseppe Conte to the "highest point of reference for progressives". To which rightly, even at the cost of compromising the so-called competitiveness with Giorgia Meloni's center-right, he did not want to forgive the break with Mario Draghi . Nor did he want to timidly get in line to hang up the professor, lawyer, etc., etc. after the elections, from which it seems that, exhuming Achille Lauro's good soul in the South, the pentastellato president is coming out a little better than when he entered with the push towards the early dissolution of the Chambers. Neither wrists nor eyelids trembled at the announcement of Conte's unwillingness to resume relations with the Democratic Party before the various Goffredo Bettini, Andrea Orlando , perhaps even Dario Franceschini did not change "the management team", as if they had none or were not part of it.

Quite quiet guest last night by Enrico Mentana, sitting in his armchair not like on a perch, Letta wanted to defend Draghi from the assaults and contempt of Conte, who never digested his arrival at Palazzo Chigi, in his place. He had only pretended to be resigned to it by improvising that bench in the square, between Palazzo Chigi and Montecitorio itself, out of a gesture of willingness to support the anomalous government, from public health, requested by the President of the Republic in the impossibility, at that moment, to dissolve the Chambers with a still virulent pandemic. About Draghi – Enrico Letta warned, as the old Henry Kissinger had done a few days earlier when talking about him in New York at an international level – it is premature to think that he is really a man who has left the scene.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/pd-le-colpe-di-zingaretti-ricadranno-su-letta/ on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 07:24:22 +0000.