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Privacy, how do the Guarantors act in Europe on ChatGpt?

Privacy, how do the Guarantors act in Europe on ChatGpt?

The national Privacy Guarantors in Europe have organized themselves by setting up a task force to give a common answer on the use of ChatGpt in the name of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All the details

While the Italian Personal Data Protection Authority has given OpenAI time until April 30 to fulfill its requirements and be able to make access to ChatGpt available again, what are the Guarantors doing in Europe?

As Start wrote yesterday, solving the Italian precedent could be decisive for the US software house because the case of Italy is only the first but many other countries , from the Old Continent and not, could follow the choice of our Authority and, in fact , hinder the spread of ChatGpt.

To avoid everyone going haywire, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) – an independent body made up of national data protection supervisory authorities, which oversees EU compliance with data matter – decided to create a task force to strengthen cooperation and exchange of information in the name of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), common denominator of the Twenty-seven.


“The members of the EDPB – reads the statement – ​​discussed the recent enforcement action undertaken by the Italian data protection authority against OpenAI regarding the ChatGpt service” and decided “to launch a dedicated task force to promote cooperation and exchange information on any enforcement actions taken by data protection authorities”.

The choice to create a European task force on ChatGpt, notes Reuters , could be "a potentially important first step towards a common policy for setting privacy standards on artificial intelligence".

The IA Act , the European law on artificial intelligence is in fact under construction but will not be operational for a few years, and in the meantime the task force could ask OpenAI to take the actions already requested by the Italian Guarantor.


A source at a national watchdog quoted by Reuters said member states hoped to align their policy positions, but that would take time.

"Member states – he added – are not trying to punish or establish rules that affect OpenAI, supported by Microsoft, but rather to create general policies that are transparent".


Waiting for the task force to speak on behalf of the EU countries, Germany and France who first looked to the Italian Guarantor, are also investigating whether OpenAI is violating the GDPR, however, they have declared themselves against a national ban on ChatGpt but in favor of regulation at European level.

The Spanish Authority, reports El País , instead announced that it had "initiated ex officio a preliminary investigation procedure against the US company for a possible violation of the rules".

Belgium, Austria, Croatia and Finland, Euractiv reported, have no plans to ban the software, nor does Poland, which has received no complaints about data collection, but remains in contact with Italy and the EDP ​​extension.


The creation of a task force, born in the wake of what was established by the Italian Guarantor, has also attracted the attention of its counterparts in Europe due to the speed with which ChatGpt has taken hold, which according to Reuters has grown to become "the application for consumers with the fastest growth in history, with over 100 million monthly active users, while raising questions about the threats it could pose to security, privacy and work”.

“The problem is how quickly society is suddenly grappling with this technology,” Sabrina Küspert, an artificial intelligence expert and contributor to the German technology think tank Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, told Euractiv , adding that this would leave little time to the debate. “For some – he said -, ChatGpt and the technology behind it is a harmful development, while others are enthusiastic about it. The truth probably lies somewhere in between."

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/privacy-come-agiscono-i-garanti-in-europa-su-chatgpt/ on Fri, 14 Apr 2023 09:30:23 +0000.