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Prodi shoots too much Amerikan NATO

Prodi shoots too much Amerikan NATO

What Romano Prodi wrote in the editorial on the Messenger entitled "Rethinking NATO: the Afghan lesson"

From his position in Bologna as an illustrious retiree, twice president of the Council in Italy, once president of the European Commission in Brussels, who died as president of the Republic in 2013 for a hundred, to say the least, of "snipers" of the Democratic Party, who did not want learning of his candidacy decided by acclamation after the impallatura of the poor party president Franco Marini, the 82-year-old Romano Prodi has offered an alternative to those who are angry with American president Joe Biden for the tragedy in Afghanistan.

Do not blame Biden – Prodi practically wrote about the Messenger in an editorial entitled "Rethinking NATO: the Afghan lesson" – but with the secretary general of the Atlantic Alliance, the former Norwegian premier Jean Stoltenberg, who allowed him to do, at equal to his predecessor Donald Trump, and a little bit also to Barack Obama, all alone in the White House, without involving his allies, especially Europeans. Permission in what sense, admitted and not granted, however, that Europeans had univocal and better ideas than the tenant on duty at the White House on the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, and perhaps even on sending them twenty years ago, when Stoltenberg did not even think of to ever be able to become secretary general of NATO?

Permission – is the answer – in the sense of having shared the irrelevance of Europeans in NATO, who "contribute – Prodi practically told the secretary general – only 20 per cent of the expenses of the Atlantic Alliance", protected by the United States, from non-member countries of the European Union such as Great Britain and Canada to the west, Turkey to the south and Norway to the north, "of which Stoltenberg is a citizen", recalled Prodi, giving up only the satirical whim of Italianizing the name to insult him, after having already complained of his "arrogance", unforgivable "for those who led the alliance to lose its first war".

What does the "rethinking" of NATO consist in as a lesson to be drawn from its defeat in Afghanistan Prodi tried to explain it without resorting to any séance this time, as at the time of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, in 1976, when the then Professor on duty pointed to the DC Gradoli, without specifying whether it was a street in Rome or the homonymous locality in the Reatino area, to go back to the den where the Red Brigades hid the Christian Democratic president after having kidnapped him on March 16 in via Fani, among the blood of the an endless escort as in a slaughterhouse and a few hundred meters from home.

In particular, Prodi proposed to resurrect the project of the EDC, the European defensive community, complete with army and means, shipwrecked in 1954 by the fault of France. However, it should have the substantial leadership of the new edition as a nuclear power and the only European country with the right of veto in the United Nations Security Council.

To the advantage of the military primacy, let's call it that, of France in Europe, the good Prodi, I don't know if he was also equipped with the Legion of Honor like other Italians, had the ease to even emphasize the consolidated "presence in the Mediterranean". By virtue of which I do not know if the former Prime Minister also remembers the attitude, so to speak, with which in Paris they wanted to involve Italy in a war against Gaddafi destined to transform Libya into the most tragic outpost of African emigration.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/prodi-spara-sulla-nato-amerikana/ on Sun, 29 Aug 2021 06:09:33 +0000.