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Real wars and imaginary wars between Abruzzo, Ukraine and Gaza

Real wars and imaginary wars between Abruzzo, Ukraine and Gaza

How and why Italian politics is seething. Damato's Scratches

More than an analyst, or even just a reporter, here we need everywhere, in Italy and abroad, on this side and beyond the Atlantic, on this side and beyond the Urals, I don't know if more of a science fiction novelist or a playwright and similar like Eduardo De Filippo or Luigi Pirandello to tell and interpret. what happens around us. Between piecemeal wars, as the Pope calls them, which are fought for real or pretend, with fire or with words.


Truly spontaneous as it appeared, or just misunderstood for having been thrown at the interviewee's feet by the interviewer, a white flag of peace, of surrender, of negotiation, hovered for a while over Europe, but not only, according to preferences, made of the same fabric, if not the same dress as the Pope to put an end to the war that has been going on for more than two years in Ukraine. A war that seemed to have begun with a Pontiff who was more supportive of those attacked than with the armed attackers blessed in Moscow by a Patriarch who was also convinced that Ukraine should be, if not "denazified", as Putin said, at least reclaimed from excessively licentious customs of the West that had intruded there.

Not even if made of the same dress as the Pope, that flag was collected in Ukraine, where they want to hold on to their two-tone flag. And wrap yourself in the resistance or counter-offensive that Zelensky plans or imagines, evidently counting more on the Europe of the outgoing Ursula von der Layen than on the United States of a returning – perhaps – Donald Trump, who is isolationist to say the least. One who would like to get rid of NATO or entrust the defaulting countries to Russian punishment. The head of General Vannacci of the upside-down world will also be spinning, already caught up in his disciplinary problems and the daring political prospects offered to him at least by the League.


Compared to the winds that blow on and from Ukraine, those that surprised in Abruzzo are trivial, at least in the front page cartoon of Corriere della Sera , a re-edition of the couple of Adam and Eve, in the role of Giuseppe Conte and Elly Schlein, fleeing from the Eden imagined with the victory, which instead failed, of their candidate for the presidency of the Region. The outgoing centre-right governor who had been demoted during the election campaign by his opponents to an Abruzzo native who was an emirate in Rome and remote governor of his homeland won, or rather re-won.

As a frightened woman, sabotaged by her allies and even about to fall into the path of early elections in a few months, Giorgia Meloni has come back very strong. Or strong enough to stay where he is. And never mind those in the centre-right who thought they could make her suffer even more than her opponents on the left and surrounding areas,

For the diehard optimists of the wide field, or right, not all seems lost, however. Distracting themselves from the problems of dossier and surroundings that trouble them, the colleagues of Domani – not Wednesday 13 March but the newspaper founded by Carlo De Benedetti to console himself for the lost Republic , not properly looked after by his children – urged us to take back Abruzzo for that which is, and not as imagined: a modest region, of little relevance in the electoral game that continues with the regional and European elections this year and the regional and other administrative levels next year.

In short, the war continues. Not like in Gaza, fortunately, or even like in Ukraine, but enough to make it clear that Italy is there. And it has its own things, its own affairs, its own surprises to reserve for those who want to deal with it. An Italy which is also the rotating president of the G7, with everything it had in mind and Meloni will have even more after having escaped the traps of Abruzzo. Good job everyone.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/guerre-vere-immaginarie-abruzzo-ucraina-gaza/ on Tue, 12 Mar 2024 06:44:33 +0000.