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Recovery Fund: because the accounts blew in 2022

Recovery Fund: because the accounts blew in 2022

2022 was the year of the crumbling of the myth of easy billions with the Recovery Fund. Third and final part of Giuseppe Liturri's series: read the previous installments here and here

When 2022 begins, the "myth of the rain of billions that Europe gives us" has now been debunked and it doesn't add up.

January 31, 2022

“It must be clear that the EU does not give anything away: when it gives something, it takes it back anyway. Generally with interest and with a negative balance for our country.”

February 28, 2022

“Perplexities are starting to emerge here and there about the infernal mess into which our country has gotten itself, by adhering to the investment plan "for recovery and resilience" conceived by the Commission… And these are just the first signs. When the commentators flattened on the fairy tale of the "shower of billions given by Europe", will measure the other hidden costs (not least the recession induced by compliance with the rules of the Stability Pact, an essential condition for the collection of the installments), it will be only a awakening. The more abrupt, the later it will come”

March 13, 2022

“Who will have the courage to tell the Italian taxpayer – late in paying withholding taxes or VAT already dutifully declared, due to a quintupled gas bill – that if he doesn't pay, we risk not collecting an installment of the PNRR ? How many similar traps are there on that floor?”

May 23, 2022

“The case of seaside concessions and the law on competition is only the first knot in the comb among the many commitments we have undertaken in presenting the PNRR. It was then that we had to oppose it, today it's late. Or maybe someone believed that the EU was joking and only pretending to want to commission the country?

Today the parties are faced with a choice: either they take note of their irrelevance and carry out the diktats of Brussels, via the Draghi government, or they defend the national interest (on beach concessions or other reforms) and the PNRR no longer exists. Tertium non datur.”

July 3, 2022

“The train is launched and will only be able to stop with the final crash at the end of the run.”

July 23, 2022

"Although in the past we have presented numerous arguments not so much against the PNRR, but against its onerous financing method which is the RRF (resilience and recovery device), today we can only acknowledge that there are all the tools that allow the continuation of the execution of the plan, even with the government resigning, and that the confused agitation in the days that preceded Draghi's resignation can now be archived in the chatter file, which is carried away by the wind."

August 29, 2022

"What we take the liberty of observing to Fabbrini is that asking for an update of the PNRR does not mean at all "opposing the EU", as he apodictically states."

September 18, 2022

“Up to now it has been all too easy to “produce paper” and the Draghi government must be acknowledged for having succeeded very well. But now comes the difficult part of opening construction sites and carrying out the works and it would be advisable not to wait months or years to acknowledge that investments have already been made that were wrong from the outset or that have turned out to be wrong today in the light of the changed macroeconomic framework.

These are all dutiful reflections starting today."

September 28, 2022

“In any case, this payment is very likely to go smoothly. But the gauntlets are there waiting and have been designed especially for those who will come later.”

November 28, 2022

“What other tragic lesson will we have to suffer to acknowledge that our interests are primarily aimed at the care of the territory and that 2.5 billion out of 191 are not enough? When will we understand that getting into debt following guidelines set by others, not in line with our interests, is an epochal mistake?”

November 30, 2022

"failure to comply with country recommendations – which in any case do not exist – does not create "problems with payment requests", because the latter are rigidly linked to compliance with objectives and targets in which country recommendations do not appear at all."

31 December 2022

"The Pos affair was only the first episode of the many "as we wanted to demonstrate" that we will witness until 2026. At least until then, the governments of the Italian Republic will be executors of wills imposed by the Commission and supinely implemented in the plan drafted by the government Conte 2 and signed by the Draghi government in April 2021. In Brussels they do not tolerate even one comma moving.

Like it or not, we are a country that has had itself placed under guardianship, if not a police station, for a very expensive dish of lentils"

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/recovery-fund-storia-2022/ on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 05:38:19 +0000.