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Recovery, Secret Services, Railways and more. All the moves of Renzi against Conte

Recovery, Secret Services, Railways and more. All the moves of Renzi against Conte

Here are the real games on which Italia Viva di Renzi throws Prime Minister Conte. Facts, names and rumors about Recovery Fund, Secret Services, Railways and more

Renzi and Renziani attack by Conte.

Recovery Fund, Secret Services and appointments in public companies at the center of the real puffs of Italia Viva in the government majority against Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

Here are all the details.


"If it came to a break" on the external task force for the Recovery Fund "Teresa Bellanova and I would resign". From Italia Viva today comes another blackmail to the government, this time through the mouth of the Minister of Equal Opportunities and the family, Elena Bonetti. Matteo Renzi's party pulls the rope on the government control room for the Recovery Fund, in which it has no representatives, and protests against the structure of commissioners that should supervise the projects to be financed with the 209 billion euros arriving from the European Union . And it comes to threaten a government crisis, already mentioned on Tuesday directly by the former premier.



The latest attack comes precisely from Elena Bonetti Capital Radio says : "I would be prepared to resign when I had no chance of keeping the oath that I made as a minister." And this time the reply of another member of the executive comes dry, the minister of the Democratic Party Francesco Boccia: “He will take on his responsibilities, like his party”. During an interview with Agorà, on Rai3, Boccia clarifies: “I strongly believe in the alliance between the left, the M5s and the parties that believe in it. Those who no longer believe in it take responsibility for it ”.


Can the Recovery Fund be broken? "I really hope not but I'm afraid so, because insist on a measure that replaces the government with a task force, the session of Parliament with a direct Facebook and which even claims to replace the secret services with a private foundation wanted by the premier , it is madness. We sent Salvini home so as not to give him full powers, but it is not that we give full powers to Conte ", Renzi told Tg2 Rai yesterday, explaining that the decree" thinks about the multiplication of seats but does not give a hand to the unemployed, to shops closed to people who suffer. If things remain as they are, we at IV will vote against. For us, an ideal is worth more than an armchair ".



“A lot of things don't work, but we want to lend a hand to the government and are ready to do our part. But we will never sit at a table where the 200 billion dollar cake is designed for Roman consultants and not for Italian citizens ”, says Renzi. The leader of IV then returned to the tug-of-war on the Recovery Fund during a connection with the event 'Il Mes splits Italy': "We – he said – are not going to be paper passers just because someone is afraid that otherwise a problem to the government. Saying yes to the establishment of this structure is an institutional madness. You cannot replace parliamentary sessions with Facebook direct, the government with task forces or secret services with foundations. It is a problem of protecting democratic forms and the rules of the game ”.


What is Renzi referring to when he evokes secret services and foundations in his criticisms of Renzi? The reference – cryptic for the layman – is very clear to the Prime Minister, given that the premier and the head of the DSI (or the coordination structure of the Services), Gennaro Vecchione, very loyal to Conte, push – in an unusual way also for the other components of the majority as well as for the opposition – for the Italian Institute for Cybersecurity – renamed by some the foundation of the Italian 007 – in which according to some observers and also according to the intentions of Palazzo Chigi the resources of the Recovery for cybersecurity ( but on this issue many experts and analysts are critical of this approach; here the in-depth analysis of Start Magazine ).


“My problem – Renzi reiterated speaking of Recovery – is not that of wanting to sit at the table to share the 200 billion dollar cake or put some consultants in the hundreds of consultations that are imagined… it would be offensive to think that they would satisfy us by giving us some prebends. “At the end of the budget law, in January, Parliament is convened for an ad hoc session, the ideas of the majority are proposed and those of the opposition are listened to. In the end, it is decided who spends the money and how ”, he then continued, adding:“ You cannot think of having the best ministers in the world and then at the same time being the task force ”. "Let's go to Parliament, listen to the majority and the opposition", the appeal of the former premier, who instead says he is optimistic about the ESM: "I think there will be no controversy or problematic tomorrow in the Chamber, in the sense that it is in the Chamber both in the Senate there will be votes to support the government ”.



The words of the leader of Italia Viva come after those of Teresa Bellanova, who returned to the question of the ad hoc structure for the management of the Recovery Plan funds. “We cannot think of entrusting 209 billion to a group of friends”, the words of the Minister of Agricultural Policies yesterday in L'aria che tira. “To those who say that at this moment the theme is the negotiation of my possible entry into the control room or visibility of Italia Viva, I reply that these are miserable statements. Institutions cannot be privatized, ministers cannot be said to be the best in the world and then political functions cannot be replaced ”.


The former premier appears granite when he says he is not looking for seats, yet they are not convinced by the parts of the future control room: "Renzi asks for an extra seat for him, and it seems Nicolazzi (former PSDI secretary, ed) – an irritated source reports M5s government in La Stampa – also because in the Sblocca Italia decree of his government there was a control organization that was a hundred times ours, while now it stands as a champion of bureaucracy and public administration: it's all crap ».


Gianni Dragoni, a journalist for the Sole 24 Ore who has been following state-owned companies for years, wrote: “The Renzians are attacking the railways. They would like to regain possession of the chair of CEO from which the Brescia-born Renato Mazzoncini was thrown out in 2019. Mazzoncini himself, whom the mayor of Brescia, Emilio Del Bono, had appointed in May as CEO of A2A (municipalized energy company controlled by the Municipalities of Milan and Brescia), continues to be very attentive to what happens inside the FS and, probably, hopes to be able to return ", wrote Dragoni on his blog , deepening the rift in the board of the Ferrovie holding on the appointments to the top of the subsidiaries Trenitalia and Rfi agreed between Mef and the head of the Italian Railways, Battisti: “President Castelli plays a personal game. Apart from the co-optation in the Lega quota for the appointment two years ago ("they looked for me …", he goes saying), it is a fact that he was hired in FS as central director of Information Systems in 2016, when the CEO it was Mazzoncini, appointed in December 2015. And with the changes made by Battisti, Castelli's influence on the IT area has been reduced ”.


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/recovery-servizi-segreti-ferrovie-e-non-solo-tutte-le-manovre-di-renzi-contro-conte/ on Wed, 09 Dec 2020 11:21:38 +0000.