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Reforming (well) the Citizenship Income: facts and advice

Reforming (well) the Citizenship Income: facts and advice

Here are the latest news of the drafts on the reform of the Citizenship Income, which should be called Mia. The deepening of Alessandra Servidori

The drafts of the "news" that should be discussed, officially approved by Minister Roberto Calderone and then sent to the CDM are circulating on the Citizenship Income.

For now, upon careful reading of the interviews and available lines, we note that – net of the resources of the budget law to support the cost of the bills and not for the single check which has already been financed with the previous budget law -, the resources for the RDC which should be called MIA are destined for a 30% less audience.

This as a result of the ISEE lowered from 9,360 euros to 7,200 due to the demand for possible recipients of the subsidy, providing for the intersection between demand and supply of work and, therefore, training to be employed entrusted to yet another new digital platform in the hands of Anpal (in plaster because it is undergoing a change of direction) and in any case a platform that already exists but has so far shown no signs of virtuous functioning.

On the contrary. However, the slogan linked to the policy is that the recipients of the subsidy must be reduced. We are well aware that the fundamental error is to confuse poverty subsidies with active policies. Here is the question and it is linked to a decrease from 8.8 billion to 7 billion without a real reform but with a certain confusion.

An overall reform is necessary and possible but not in pieces, as is currently being done. We risk exsanguinating the resources that we have spent in recent years, ie a good 15 billion, for the circuit of regional employment centers without having any results on employability. Anpal has already failed with the Navigators who can't even be hired by the Regions.

First of all we must have certain data from the territories of those who are truly in poverty, we must immediately carry out a census work, and establish that the poverty threshold has different situations: for example, a single elderly person, not self-sufficient, in a city it clearly needs different support from others and only those who are in the area, institutions and the third sector, are able to give you the orientation criterion and offer personalized support.

For active policies to combat unemployment we need a plurality of operators in the area for training because we know well what are the requests of low-skilled companies but also of highly trained companies, however, three quarters of citizens' income recipients have only eighth grade and often not even that.

So, how to invest the 4.2 billion for the formation of the Pnrr and Gol?

They must be spent in the best possible way and we are well aware that the policy of granting companies relief for permanent hiring does NOT work, also because it is not in the good of the company that asks for courses for new trained professional figures. It's like drugging the market with methadone.

We must immediately proceed with the reform of Title V of the 2001 Constitution, which must be changed, because this confusion between the powers of the State and the Regions and territories in 22 years in the field of active policies and also health has NOT worked and has bled us dry.

Put your hand and immediately to the Art. 117 of the Constitution, clarifying the role of the State and the Regions and above all of the State-Regions Conference, is fundamental. Starting from there is possible if politics has the courage.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/riformare-bene-il-reddito-di-cittadinanza-fatti-e-consigli/ on Sat, 11 Mar 2023 06:12:28 +0000.