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Renzi’s latest renze against Calenda

Renzi's latest renze against Calenda

What Renzi says and does about Calenda. Damato's Scratches

In the Italy of "record occupation without an economic boom", according to the representation of Avvenire , the newspaper of the bishops, and in the craziest summer in the world, as many have defined it from all points of view, Matteo Renzi has decided , or attempted, to recover the scene by formally proposing in the Senate the direct election of the prime minister as mayor of Italy. As he says that at the time he did it in Florence, before climbing the Democratic Party and Palazzo Chigi in the end losing both. “Few consents, big moves. Renzi is back”, headlined La Nazione from his native Florence and the affiliates Giorno and Resto del Carlino in a small reference on the front page.


Il Giornale della Famiglia Berlusconi, although reduced by the greater participation of the Angelucci family, saw and indicated in Renzi's initiative a "wink of an eye to the "brothers of Italy" of a Giorgia Meloni who has returned from the glories of the White House to the miseries of the " little Italy” indicated yesterday by the press and taken up again today by other newspapers. Among which, of course, the usual Fatto Quotidiano tried to stand out with the equally usual photomontage of an always smiling Meloni, as in last year's electoral campaign, but no longer ready to "recover Italy". According to the grillini, which fell into poverty from which they would have pulled it out in 2018 and following years by going beyond European constraints, introducing the basic income now subtracted from a minimum of 169 thousand to a maximum of 240 thousand families and cutting parliamentary seats .


As happens in all political families, even Renzi with his little Italia Viva and with the so-called third pole set up with Carlo Calenda for last year's political elections, but openly projected more towards next year's European elections, underestimates the inconvenience of having problems at home even greater than those outside.

Calenda, for example, is no longer convinced of the direct election of the prime minister included in the program of the alliance with Renzi, who held it against him. "By dint of changing his mind, Carlo denies even himself", Matteo reproached him, to remain at the level of names and not surnames. And as for the protests of the ally – if it can still be defined that way – for the convivial visits of friends of a certain notoriety or weight surprised at dinner with the right-wing minister Daniela Santanchè in Twiga's Versilia, Renzi observed speaking to Corriere della Evening : faced with the "world falling apart from Niger to Ukraine, the price increase bringing the middle class to its knees" and Europe at the crossroads between "reviving or dying the dream of the founding fathers… will allow me to I am not interested in Bonifazi's or Richetti's dinners. Everyone goes to dinner with whoever they want ", even at the cost of scandalizing Calenda that Renzi shows regret for having wanted "minister, ambassador, candidate of the third pole".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/dichiarazioni-renzi-calenda-terzo-polo/ on Wed, 02 Aug 2023 05:25:56 +0000.