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Reopening of schools, what worries Italians. Spin Report for Start

Reopening of schools, what worries Italians. Spin Report for Start

An analysis carried out by Spin Factor for Start Magazine through the Human platform highlights the fears of Italians on social networks for the reopening of schools. All the details

Rotating benches, serological tests, anti-contagion measures. About three weeks after schools reopen, the government is still grappling with too many issues to resolve before the pupils return to class. In the meantime, 4 out of 10 Italians are against the reopening of schools as it is thought after the Covid-19 emergency.

This is what emerges from the analysis carried out by Spin Factor for Start Magazine through the Human platform which analyzed the posts and comments of Italians on social platforms in the last week.


The analysis by Spin Factor, a company specializing in strategic political, institutional and corporate consultancy, was carried out by taking into consideration the main social networks of reference, namely Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with a focus on Twitter. To analyze the conversations that took place around the reopening of the schools, the posts in Italian published from 18 August 2020 to 24 August 2020 were monitored. There are 21 thousand posts for a total of 2 million words.


Only 2 out of 10 Italians (22%) are in favor of the reopening as it is intended. While for 36.6% there is a neutral sentiment, as many as 41.11% expressed a clear disagreement with the reopening of schools.


"The concern is also evident from the keywords used by Italians in posts and comments: it is not educational expectations that dominate, but that on coronavirus risks", underlined Tiberio Brunetti, founder and administrator of Spin Factor.


On the subject of "school" he is both the most mentioned by users and the most active politician. We are talking about the leader of the Carroccio Matteo Salvini, the politician who is addressing the topic most frequently in the last week (21.01%) on social media and is also the most cited (5.99%).

The leader of the League returned today to the attack against the Minister of Education of the Conte government, Lucia Azzolina. “I have been asking Minister Azzolina for two months, what time do the children return to class, how many days they stay in class, where they eat, where they play sports, with how many teachers and with how many classmates. The only thing he is dealing with are the benches with wheels and masks ”.

"I hope he steps aside because here there are 10 thousand classrooms that are missing, 85 thousand chairs uncovered and Azzolina prefers to spend time insulting and arguing", insisted Salvini. The League is also the most active party on social networks in the debate on schools with 19.57% of publication frequency. Then followed by the party founded by Matteo Renzi, Italia Viva, with 10.14%.

Net detachment for the parties of the government majority (M5S and Pd) that on the reopening of schools, at least on social networks, communicate less than the aforementioned. The pentastellati are placed in fourth place with 4.35% and the Pd in ​​fifth with 3.62%.

In the top mentions Matteo Salvini is followed by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with 4.05%, followed in turn by the Democratic Party with 3.42%.


“When there is uncertainty, a negative orientation always prevails. In this case, too many variables weigh on the reopening of schools that create confusion: first of all, of course, the growing number of infections is worrying – Brunetti, founder of Spin Factor underlines to Start Magazine – Secondly, the date of the reopening: some regions, and even municipalities, they have already made it known that they will postpone the elections until after. What will the others do? Will they open and close immediately for a few days? And then the controversy over how to reopen: benches with wheels? How and where will the fever measurement be performed? In short, in this context it is really complex for a parent to have a positive sentiment towards reopening. Certainty is needed: the government must have a single position and the regions must be coordinated to give a clear message and transfer security. Otherwise in the next few days the confusion could increase ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/riapertura-scuole-che-cosa-preoccupa-gli-italiani-report-spin-per-start/ on Tue, 25 Aug 2020 14:00:51 +0000.