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Rigor and passions of Umberto Minopoli

Rigor and passions of Umberto Minopoli

Civil passion, intellectual rigor and a firm point: the environment defends itself with progress, not from progress. Umberto Minopoli, who died at the age of 69, remembered by Luca Del Pozzo

The passion that animated him in energy debates was the same as it was in his youth as a political militancy.

The intellectual rigour, the desire to understand and explain beyond easy schematisms and slogans, the respect for other people's positions even when he didn't agree (and he certainly didn't tell you so) are identical.

As well as the coherence of ideas – on nuclear power and beyond – which was not empty stubbornness nor even less unconventional manners, but the conscious attitude of someone who knows that great transformations, or rather transitions such as the one we are experiencing, require a forward-looking and systemic, weighted choices and, above all, long times.

With some fixed points: first of all that the environment is defended with progress, not from progress.

The exact opposite of a certain ideological and parlor environmentalism that never missed an opportunity to criticize.

Those who have followed him above all on Linkedin over the years, where better than elsewhere he could develop sine ira ac studio reasoning and arguments that are not always easy, will have no trouble recognizing in Umberto Minopoli a never dull and always attentive interlocutor. And ready for yet another battle.

We'll miss him.

Hi Humbert.

Luke Del Pozzo

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/minopoli-umberto/ on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 05:16:13 +0000.