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Roberto Saviano’s double truth about Messina Denaro

Roberto Saviano's double truth about Messina Denaro

What Roberto Saviano wrote and said about the government's role in the capture of Messina Denaro and the alleged "predilection" of the Mafia for right-wing governments. Damato's Scratches

In our professional jargon, the hole is what a newspaper manages to procure for its competitors with exclusive news. News understood in a broad sense, sometimes even a comment or background that gives a particular version of a fact, which does not complete it but even changes or even reverses its content and meaning.

It happened and is still happening with the capture of Matteo Messina Denaro after 30 years on the run even at his home, that is, in his territory, where he managed to hide better than by fleeing far, indeed very far, beyond land or sea borders of your country.

The well-known writer Roberto Saviano happened – dealing precisely with the capture of the mafia superboss – to procure a hole even for the newspaper he collaborates with, saying in an interview with La Stampa something he hadn't gone to in the article written for Corriere della Sera .


On the latter, saving – I believe – even the director Luciano Fontana's coronaries, he kept to the generalities writing about the weaknesses so often demonstrated or attributed by the State, behind "the scalp to be exhibited in the media circus", in the fight against the mafia. It is no coincidence that they had trials on negotiations and the like in the season of massacres at the end of the twentieth century which even touched a President of the Republic in office, who was protected by the Constitutional Court. I am referring, of course, to Giorgio Napolitano.

In La Stampa , on the other hand, descending from the stars of the state to the stables of governments, Saviano contested the one in office, starting with the premier Giorgia Meloni who flew to Palermo to celebrate the blow received by the mafia with the end of her boss's thirty-year absence right to own anything. "This – said Saviano – is one of the least anti-mafia executives that the country has had".

"The predilection (of the mafia) for the right is testified by an infinite number of deeds and documents", added the writer without quoting directly but in some way drawing inspiration from the speech against trust à la Meloni delivered as a grillino senator by the former prosecutor general of the Court of Palermo Roberto Scarpinato. Who was selected in the pentastellate lists by Giuseppe Conte himself in his new role as aspiring leader of a naturally justicialist left.

In the eyes of the latter, Meloni purposely sent Carlo Nordio to the Ministry of Justice to give "a slap to the anti-mafia" – headlined Repubblica today – limiting the use or distorted use of wiretapping, which also proved to be useful to the capture of Messina Denaro.

Just think how much grass can be sown and harvested by riding the anti-mafia of professionals at the time unmasked by that great, great and worthy troublemaker that was Leonardo Sciascia.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/roberto-saviano-matteo-messina-denaro-doppia-verita/ on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 06:19:23 +0000.