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Russian shadows and ghosts on the election campaign

Russian shadows and ghosts on the election campaign

Not only Russian shadows (denied by Gabrielli and Urso). What the major parties are discussing ahead of the September 25 elections. Paola Sacchi's note

The "Russian shadows" swoop over the electoral campaign, with US 007 accusations of Putinian "interference" through the "payment to over 20 countries". It is the poisoned tail that comes to insert itself into the clash, with no holds barred, in a jagged framework, between multiple sides. An unprecedented picture that the “ duel ” between Enrico Letta and Giorgia Meloni from the day before yesterday cannot completely absorb in a classic two-way polarization.

But in the center-left the common thread of the “risk of democracy” alarm dominates – declined more clearly by the Democratic Party and with revised and corrected tones also by the “third pole” – against the eventual victory of the center-right.

At the end of each rally, Meloni hits the button on a point that is often not mentioned in the newspapers: “They call it cultural hegemony, but that of the left is hegemony of power. I also wonder in the face of all the attacks on me by artists, why others don't speak. For fear of not working in that sector anymore? ".

Returning to the "Russian shadows", while the news has yet to be detailed and detailed, the first attacks on the League start from the Democratic Party. But this time Matteo Salvini begins to proceed with complaints. A very hard note immediately starts from Via Bellerio: "The only certainty is that the Italian Communist Party first collected money from the Kremlin and recently La Repubblica , which for years has attached the magazine Russia Oggi ". Therefore, it is announced that “the League has given a mandate to its lawyers to sue anyone who improperly cites the party and Matteo Salvini as has already happened in some television contexts with particular reference to the mayor of the Democratic Party Matteo Ricci. Falsehoods and insinuations will no longer be tolerated: that's enough now ”.

Definitive words come from the institutions. "I discussed with the Authority delegated to the security of the Republic, Franco Gabrielli" on the US intelligence report that deals with Russia's financing to parties of foreign countries "and at the moment there is no news that there is Italy", he said Adolfo Urso, president of Copasir.

Thus the curtain falls on an “electoral” day with the debate in the Senate at the center for the Aid bis decree. And again the protagonist is Salvini who claims the contribution given by the League's undersecretary to the Mef, Federico Freni, for the approval of the measure today in the Chamber. But the Northern League leader continues to put pressure on the budget variance of 30 billion to cope with the dramatic emergency of the expensive bills, to save "1 million jobs", "the Italian system", "while it seems to me that a part of living politics on Mars ”. He cites the figures from Luigi Sbarra's CISL, Mestre's CGIA. He recalled that, among others, Vincenzo Boccia, former president of Confindustria and president of the Luiss University, spoke about the need for 60 billion. He accuses Cinque Stelle and Pd, where the buzz comes from, of underestimating the issue. The Northern League leader bursts out against the "holiday climate and laughs".

Clash in the courtroom. The current vice-president Ignazio La Russa (FdI) also calls Salvini to watch when he speaks towards the presidency of the classroom. Then, the president, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, returns to her place. He tells the leader that he is approaching conclusions: "You're welcome, Senator Salvini". The climate relaxes. But the substance of the clash remains. And on this point too, the differences between Salvini and Meloni remain, which reiterates that "speculations" would be fueled by the deviation.

But Salvini in the evening on Rai3, at "Cartabianca", says once again clearly that on this "I don't understand my friend Giorgia". Salvini goes straight in general, beyond the issue in question, along the line established by the same internal rules of the center-right: competition is competition . So, he reiterates, "if FdI is the first party, Meloni will be proposed as premier, this is how democracy works". But, seeing that he has not yet voted, he too does not give up the race: “What do I want to do? I would be honored to lead the country ”. He had already said this several other times, despite the polls, because "the only ones that are worthwhile are those who will come from the vote".

Silvio Berlusconi in his daily social program pill focuses on the value of the principle of freedom. Object of the aims of the "third pole" of Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, the blue leader, who remembers having reached over 9 million views on the social network of young TikTok, underlines that the "only moderate center is Forza Italia". That is, “pro-European, Atlanticist, guarantist and Christian pivot and guarantee”, as the first Italian party of the EPP. And to Calenda and Renzi, who are targeting a new Draghi government, the coordinator and vice president of FI, Antonio Tajani replies praising Draghi's contribution, but remembers that it is time for "political governments".

If in the center-right there are distinctions about the budget gap, in the center-left the controversy over the key point of the post-election alliances re-explodes. Letta states that it is clear that the dialogue will be with the Five Stars and the “third pole”. The secretary of the Democratic Party had said to the "Corriere Tv" that the alliance with the Italian Left of Nicola Fratoianni and or Verdi of Angelo Bonelli is "an electoral alliance". Which provokes the protest of the only "electoral" allies. Bonelli uses Roman sarcasm: "And that we are" er stinker ", people to be ashamed of?".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ingerenze-russia-campagna-elettorale-italiana/ on Wed, 14 Sep 2022 05:17:51 +0000.