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Salvini and Conte’s American remarks on the American Meloni with Biden

Salvini and Conte's American remarks on the American Meloni with Biden

What Salvini and Conte said about Meloni with Biden. Damato's Scratches


The friendliness reserved for her at the White House by the President of the United States cost Giorgia Meloni the title of "Biden's favorite" by the American TV channel Fox , quickly picked up in Italy by Repubblica . But already from Rome Giuseppe Conte, the man who more and more political reporters describe as obsessed with the ambition of returning to Palazzo Chigi, perhaps believing that he was unjustly removed three years ago, victim of a plot called "Conticide" by his admirer Marco Travaglio, had given the Prime Minister, again for her visit to the White House, the subordinate: flown across the ocean to take orders and instructions to then carry out at Palazzo Chigi, and have the other Ministers, directors, generals, secretaries and guards carry them out stations.


A "cute", the Italian prime minister, unfortunately reduced to a lame duck by one of her two vice presidents of the Council: the Northern League member Matteo Salvini. Who prefers to the outgoing president and determined to remain Joe Biden, although elderly and often insecure in his physical movements, as if he had some spring in his legs that every now and then gives way, his predecessor and apparently more vigorous Donald Trump, although he too has of some contraindication, even of a criminal nature.

Salvini's sympathy for Trump, compared by some mischievous observers or reporters to that of Putin, is not known to what extent it is truly reciprocated due to some denials made by the then President of the United States to the rumors that were circulating in this regard, and photographs that seemed more seized and occasional taken at an American election rally.


However, Conte's sympathy for Trump is known to be real and reciprocated, as he usually speaks of him in the plural, calling him "Giuseppi", as he would like many similar men in Italy. And probably he too was unhappy to learn at the time of his replacement with Mario Draghi decided by a Sergio Mattarella tired of following his attempts to avoid the onset of a government crisis caused by the withdrawal of Matteo Renzi from the majority and his representatives by the government.

Recently, in truth, followed on television by an impatient presenter who was well disposed towards him because he is anti-Melonian, Conte showed some indecision in expressing a choice between Biden and Trump in the reopened match for the White House. Indecision motivated by the fear of compromising relations between the two countries, considering himself to be a somewhat former Prime Minister. But his Trumpism is now too well known and, I would say, innate to be obscured by some expedient and to be ignored by someone who also pretends not to know or see: the aspiring domestic ally – they would say in America – Elly Schlein , secretary of the Democratic Party.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-americanate-di-salvini-e-conte-sullamerikana-meloni-con-biden/ on Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09:04:28 +0000.