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Salvini, Draghi and the race to the Colle

Salvini, Draghi and the race to the Colle

Behind the clash in the executive stands, as will now be inevitable in the coming months, the race for the Colle, in February 2022. Paola Sacchi's Note

They immediately reveal "irritation" for the decision of Matteo Salvini, accused of irresponsibility as usual, for the abstention of the League on the reopening decree. But in reality, rather than fear it, they already seem to wish for a “mini-Papeete”.

Pd and 5s, put to the test by Beppe Grillo's video on the legal case of his son, now give the impression of regrouping around the unspeakable desire to throw the League out of the government.

But Salvini, in his stop and go of struggle and government – this time with the apex of the fight on the curfew , who had asked that it be at least postponed until 11 pm – already yesterday afternoon – even during the recording of the Maurizio Costanzo show – had clearly said that the film this time will not be the same. And that is, he renews his trust in Mario Draghi but asks him to give it more to the Italians, after a year in which they have been patient and responsible. In short, the League intends to remain in government.

The Northern League player Claudio Borghi, former president of the Montecitorio Budget Committee, to those who tell him on Twitter to pay attention to attempts to oust the League from the national emergency executive responds ironically: "Yeah, we didn't understand it …." .

It is easy to identify immediately, as the left does in an attempt to disrupt the center-right, in Salvini's choice also an answer to cushion the pressure of Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy from the opposition, which is given by the polls that are growing at the expense of the League.

Certainly the insidious "internal" competition of FdI has its weight. But the choice of the Northern League leader is intended above all to respond to discontent and protests which, despite the fact that, thanks above all to the League, together with Forza Italia, there has been a turnaround on the reopening from April 26, in the country they do not subside.

It is that world of widespread entrepreneurship, of the self-employed, of the unsecured, without a fixed salary that continues to manifest, that world where the League finds its greatest representation. Pd and 5s, initially displaced by the League's entrance, now stand up to the major champions of Prime Minister Draghi, who, according to news agencies, has leaked his "misunderstanding" for the choice of Salvini.

But it is also to be imagined that Draghi himself could not love very much, at the same time, to be the object of the attempt to be placed in the "red zone" in the political sense, under the protection of the "left wing" of his majority born without "Political identity".

Behind the clash in the executive stands, as will now be inevitable in the coming months, the race for the Colle, in February 2022.

Salvini replying last night, during Costanzo's broadcast, to a question from Annalisa Chirico, inevitably recalled that there are still 10 months left and now it is his duty to commit himself to the health and work of Italians, in short, the purposes for which the government is born. But at the same time he stressed that he will fight with all his might so that "there is no head of state on the left".

He didn't name any, of course. But in fact, this was the basis for the news, as far as it was already imaginable, of the games taking place on the left for the Quirinale.

According to gossip that has been circulating for some time in the Palazzo, the main purpose behind the return of Enrico Letta from France, wanted by the "company", would be the Quirinale "mission". With an identikit for the successor that would coincide with that of Romano Prodi. And in any case not with that of Draghi. Also because for Prodi, 81, it would be a sort of now or never.

But the ranks of aspiring "quirinabili", on which Pd and 5 Stelle could converge, does not stop at Prodi. In the center-left the ranks of aspirants are already quite crowded. And Draghi, on whose name the center-right could converge, perhaps even with the same Renzians of Italia Viva? For such a solution, in recent months, the number two Northern League player Giancarlo Giorgetti, now Minister of Economic Development, had advanced in Il Corriere della sera the scenario of the hypothesis of a one-year stay of President Sergio Mattarella for his successor to be elected by a new parliament, after the 2023 elections, responding to the changes designed by the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians.

However, Mattarella has denied on several occasions, starting with the speech at the end of 2020, the possibility that he will remain.

But at the same time, some are already wondering, beyond what the premier's intentions will be, how a personality of the caliber of the former president of the ECB could coexist with figures on the Hill so different from him as, for example, Prodi very politically branded on the left.

However it may be, it is to be expected that, beyond the race to the Colle and the intentions on this of the premier who said "I will stay as long as parliament wants it", Draghi will not even like the fairly evident attempt on the left now to put him in "Red zone". With the League out and the executive dominated by the left to get by to find numbers in the Senate to survive.

The Five Stars in the government have leaked the consideration that "Salvini's is a film that has already been seen".

But it sounds like a bit too obvious an interpretation. And perhaps even convenient.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/salvini-draghi-e-la-corsa-al-colle/ on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:59:41 +0000.