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Sansonetti’s last ultra-progressive sonata at the Riformista before the advent of Renzi

Sansonetti's last ultra-progressive sonata at the Riformista before the advent of Renzi

Piero Sansonetti's euphoria over the election result in Udine will soon give way to other ardor with the new director of the Riformista, Matteo Renzi. Damato's Scratches

Before also participating in the freshly printed campaign against the government under the banner of racism for the plan warned by Minister Francesco Lollobrigida of an "ethnic substitution" behind the exponential increase in immigration from Africa, his friend Piero Sansonetti wanted yesterday to sing from the direction of his Riformista , which is about to pass under that of Matteo Renzi and Andrea Ruggieri, the relief of the left, strictly in red, for the arrival of the swallow, in a cold spring, in Udine. Where the center-right lost the municipal elections by a 5 percent difference 15 days after having swept the regional ones.


In this result Piero found the confirmation of something for him "already clear but now crystalline".

“The centre-left – he wrote – has the majority of voters… The problem is that it doesn't know how to form a coalition and therefore, with the current electoral law, the right wins. Which is also a minority. In Udine, for the first time, he managed to make a broad alliance, from the third pole to the Democratic Party, the radicals, the left, the 5 stars. It is an undisputed political datum and on which it will be good to reflect”.


This reasoning has two drawbacks. The first is news, or statistic. It ignores the fact that between the first and second rounds of the municipal elections in Udine, the turnout in the polls dropped by a good ten points: from 54 per cent, which was already not very good, to 44 per cent. candidate from the centre-right, the Northern League's Pietro Fontanini, who prevailed by 7 points in the first round over his rival candidate from the Democratic Party, Alberto De Toni, was able to be reached and surpassed. It is presumable that many of the shivering center-right voters avoided going back to the polls, taking for granted the success of the outgoing mayor, and out.

The other inconvenience, at least for the purposes of the satisfaction expressed by Sansonetti and the "reflection" proposed to his readers, who in a few days will continue to follow him in the Risen Unit thanks to the Riformista publisher himself, is entirely political. It lies in the somewhat too carnivalesque – and out of season – nature of the coalition improvised by the Pd between the first and second rounds of the elections in Udine. It is a nature with respect to which the center-right coalition, despite all its internal problems of coexistence and competition between Northern League members of various leanings, Melonian right and Berlusconi, seems like a crystal. Sansonetti applauds, among others, the grillini of whom he has written and said for years as Martians, to say the least, even or even more under the guidance of Giuseppe Conte.

One last, albeit venomous reflection, to stay with Piero's language. I doubt that Il Riformista would have been released on the Udine swallow with the same title as yesterday under the imminent direction of the Renzi-Ruggieri couple. Which could perhaps be recognized in the more prudent admonition of the manifesto : "It is a mistake to delude oneself", even if "it is a sign of life".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/sansonetti-riformista-vittoria-centrosinistra-udine/ on Wed, 19 Apr 2023 05:48:37 +0000.