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Scaroni, Zoppini and the great fuss about Enel

Scaroni, Zoppini and the great fuss about Enel

Legal challenges in view of Enel's shareholders' meeting for the renewal of the board of directors of the energy group. The figure of Paolo Scaroni, candidate for president on the list presented by the Mef, always causes discussion, and the penetrating activism of the Roman super lawyer Andrea Zoppini emerges. Facts, names and rumors

On Enel fly barrels from orbi.

In the center of the ring, in addition to the various contenders, there is once again Andrea Zoppini ( in the photo ). A powerful Roman lawyer also very familiar with the banking and institutional sector, Zoppini is the professional who, Reuters wrote a few days ago, certified Paolo Scaroni's independence with an opinion.

Zoppini with his very subtle and skilful juridical reasoning tries to remove some chestnuts from the fire of the former number one of Eni. In fact, it is known that Scaroni appears as non-independent in the list presented by the Ministry of the Economy. This in turn creates significant problems for many large international funds, for which voting for a non-independent president is almost an act against nature.

There are also problems for Assogestioni, which in theory should offer a safeguard of independence but would find itself voting for Scaroni (not independent) as Enel president ( here Start Magazine 's in-depth analysis on the Assogestioni case ).

For Zoppini, Scaroni's independence is not the only open front. In fact, as Il Sole 24 ore wrote , "Zoppini took pen and paper and wrote a letter to Consob to report information anomalies on the decisions taken by proxies in view of the Enel shareholders' meeting".

In short, the super Roman lawyer presented a sort of complaint (on whose behalf? From Scaroni? From Cattaneo? From others?). But above all, against whom?

According to circles of business lawyers, for Zoppini there are anomalies in the way in which a report by the proxy advisor Frontis, in which it was recommended to vote for the Covalis list , became public ( here the news disclosed by Reuters ).

It remains to be seen whether the list of Zoppini's efforts ends here. It is known, in fact, that Zoppini also has historic relationships with Assogestioni and some of the major players in the association (such as Intesa Sanpaolo and Caltagirone among others).

But among the wolves of Wall Street, then, there is a rumor that Zoppini has also recently worked for the Covalis fund, on the Enel dossier.

Possible? Ah know.

Still possible according to the market, which is still a beauty, isn't it?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/scaroni-zoppini-e-il-gran-trambusto-su-enel/ on Tue, 02 May 2023 05:21:02 +0000.