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The 7 lives of the Democratic Party

The 7 lives of the Democratic Party

Facts and comments on the leadership of the Democratic Party and on the construction site of the Meloni government. The Scratches of Damato

As it was easy to predict, the controversy over delays and shortcomings in the recovery and resilience plan, of which Giorgia Meloni herself has denied motherhood, which instead continued to attribute to her today on Repubblica Francesco Tullio Altan in an evocative cartoon by a grim Alberto Sordi, the government crisis has come back as in a game of goose. The candidate at Palazzo Chigi, by now consuming all the clothes and colors of her wardrobe, has been waiting for the establishment of the Chambers and the consultations at the Quirinale in preparation for the appointment of Prime Minister. Without which everything she does, designs, proposes, lets glimpse is hanging a bit in the air and could even give the feeling of too long a show.

Stefano Rolli on Secolo XIX has hit the mark with the cartoon in which he has Giorgia Meloni say on the front page, and in strict Roman dialect: “I still have to system du 'little things. 'so enjoy yourselves with Piddì ”. Where in fact strange things happen, to say the least, translated into "10 hours of psychodrama" in the direction, as defined by the Republic, referring to the surprise decision of Enrico Letta to return ordinary times, that is long, to the congress that had also planned announcing his resignation as secretary and his unwillingness to reapply, for which a race for succession was unleashed only functional to Giuseppe Conte's attempt to improvise himself as winner of the elections, at least on the opposition front. And to wait for "a new management group" in the Nazarene with which to resume weaving some left-wing web for the future not even of this legislature, but perhaps of the next one. Yes, because Letta, while pulling aside, yesterday ruled out that the Democratic Party of the new secretary will be able to renounce the opposition and return to the government with one of the more or less palace operations that took place in recent years, that is, without going through another electoral round. .

In this perspective outlined by the outgoing secretary of what remains the second Italian party after the Brothers of Italy, even if Conte believes that his 15 percent is worth who knows why more than the 19-odd of the Democratic Party, there is some clear, for sure. But also of the obscure, because there has never been, frankly, a resigning secretary able to mortgage the line of his successor. On the other hand, also the predecessor of Enrico Letta al Nazareno, Nicola Zingaretti, had committed himself in 2019, at the outbreak of the crisis of the first Conte government, the yellow-green one with the leaguers, to an electoral passage before a possible government agreement with the grillini . And of that commitment, suddenly disregarded at a sign from Matteo Renzi with one foot still in the Democratic Party and the other already out, the unfortunate – manzonian speaking – other Matteo paid the price: the Salvini of Papeete and surroundings, sbertucciato in hall of the Senate by a Count multiplied by at least two – “Giuseppi”, remember? – by the then president of the United States Donald Trump.

The political representation to which Enrico Letta lent himself, also bringing back the history of the regenerating congress, re-founder and who knows what else of the Democratic Party is rather merciless. They range from the title of Doubt on Letta who "changes his mind" and discovers that "we have not lost" to the most perfidious of the Paper on an article by Giuliano Ferrara, who also personally and openly voted for it on September 25: "The humble will be the last – Letta is a good person, but impudence wins in politics ”. Three times good, indeed, Ferrara specified with the Turin language learned during the communist youth militancy.

“The Democratic Party – diagnosed the founder of the Foglio – is a sick organism, introverted in the sense of inexpressive, apathetic. Those who voted for it generally did so with great sadness, even with a fund of compassion ”. Written by him who – I repeat – voted for it …

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/pd-direzione-fatti-commenti/ on Fri, 07 Oct 2022 05:06:15 +0000.