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The apocalypse for Corriere della sera, Repubblica and beyond. Agcom Report

The apocalypse for Corriere della sera, Repubblica and beyond. Agcom Report

In the first nine months of 2023, according to Agcom, on average 1.43 million copies were sold daily, down on an annual basis by 8.8% and 32.8% compared to the corresponding period of 2019.

Daily publishing continues to be in difficulty .

In the first nine months of 2023, according to Agcom, on average 1.43 million copies were sold daily, down on an annual basis by 8.8% and 32.8% compared to the corresponding period of 2019.

This is what emerges from the periodic update of the Media Observatory by the Communications Authority.

Here are all the details regarding the newspapers.


By dividing the distribution between national and local newspapers, with reference to the entire period analyzed (September 2019-September 2023), the sales of national newspapers decreased slightly more than what can be observed for those with local circulation (-33.4% against -32.0%). The copies sold daily in paper format (1.22 million since the beginning of the year) on an annual basis have decreased by 10% (they were equal to 1.36 million in 2022) and by 37.2% compared to the corresponding value of 2019 (1 .94 million).


Newspapers sold in digital format have not recorded particularly significant changes on an annual basis (in the first nine months of 2023 they fluctuate around an average of 210 thousand copies per day) and are growing (+13.9%) compared to the corresponding value ( 180 thousand units per day) in 2019.

The sale of digital copies is more concentrated than paper copies: the top five newspapers in the digital segment ( Corriere della Sera , La Repubblica, Il Sole 24Ore, Il Fatto Daily and La Stampa ) represent 60.1% of the total copies sold by beginning of the year, while the corresponding value for the paper version drops to 33.6%.


In relation to the different editorial "genres", the main five national newspapers considered 'generalist' (in order of circulation Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, La Stampa, L'Avvenire and Il Messaggero ), in the first nine months of 2023 have recorded a decline in the sale of paper copies equal to 11.8% compared to the corresponding volumes of 2022 (a decline which widened to 38.8% with reference to the corresponding period of 2019) but, at the same time, recorded limited growth in daily sales of digital copies (+4.6%).


With reference to the overall sales trend (in paper and digital format) of the main newspapers, in the first nine months of the year Corriere della Sera was the main one with 12.4%, ahead of La Repubblica (7.2%) , La Gazzetta dello Sport (5.7%) and La Stampa (5.2%).

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/agcom-vendite-giornali-primi-nove-mesi-2023/ on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 15:44:28 +0000.