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The Black Monday of the opposition between the Quirinale and Friuli Venezia Giulia

The Black Monday of the opposition between the Quirinale and Friuli Venezia Giulia

Incredible but true: the President of the Republic denies the newspapers, which instead minimize or censor… I Graffi di Damato

So much for the "fiasco" maliciously attributed by the manifesto to the government, and more particularly to Gorgia Meloni, with a title of his own, between irony, satire, goliardic and imagination, superimposed on a festive photo of the premier at the wine exhibition. There was no day more negative for the opposition, and consequently more positive for the government, than yesterday. In which they gathered together a resounding electoral defeat in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, however obvious, and a reprimand from the President of the Republic, however minimized or censored by the "newspapers" generally hostile or distrustful, to say the least, towards the majority.

The electoral results of Friuli-Venezia Giulia – where the centre-right led by the Northern League governor Massimiliano Fedriga literally “overwhelmed”, doubling him, as Il Fatto Quotidiano also had to admit, the presumed centre-left or post-Olive tree dreamed of and realized in that region from Pd and grillini together – they speak for themselves. There was no game against the government coalition, which – again to remain with Fatto , who consoled himself for it – not even for the "sixth", other than the third pole of Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, also surpassed by the no- vax.

But more than for the battered Calenda and Renzi, and also for the grillini, halved in votes even compared to the local results of last year's general elections, the setback was strong for the new Pd secretary Elly Schlein. Which had the misfortune to make its debut in the most difficult region for it, and moreover with the ball and chain – other than the resource dreamed of by many who helped it in the race for the Nazarene – of an alliance restored, I repeat, with Movement 5 Stars.

The blow that came from Mattarella, somehow even heavier on both an institutional and political level than the electoral defeat in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, consisted of the "annoyed" reaction of the President of the Republic – as Il Foglio headlined – to the more or less less explicit, or submerged, as you prefer, to represent it in recent days with a kind of whip in hand against the government for delays on the road to the national recovery and resilience plan. The President has warned those concerned that he is not the leader of the opposition: neither in the singular, I would say, nor in the plural.

This alone is enough for Giorgia Meloni to continue on her path, even disappointing or openly opposing the attempts of the League to put a spoke in her wheels in the majority, even or especially now that Silvio's party has stopped doing it Berlusconi, or what's left of it. Yet still today Repubblica has returned to betting on the "Meloni-Lega brawl", precisely, against the background of the delays and the necessary redefinition of the national recovery and resilience plan with the European Commission. And La Stampa headlined the government that "swerves".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/il-lunedi-nero-delle-opposizioni-tra-quirinale-e-friuli-venezia-giulia/ on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 06:04:53 +0000.