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The death of diplomacy

The death of diplomacy

We are also in the darkest hour for international diplomacy and Western and Arab political strategy, which is not up to the task. Guiglia's notebook

It may seem madness to fear that the worst is yet to come in the Middle East, after Hamas even beheaded children in the massacre of innocents on October 7: can one imagine anything more horrible?


Unfortunately the world is forced to do so, now that Israel , in the hunt for the murderers of its children, has inaugurated the so-called new phase, that is, the entry of soldiers and tanks into Gaza to strike those responsible for the monstrosities committed by Islamic-inspired terrorists in the Jewish state. And to try to free the 229 hostages without any guilt. If not that, in the bloody eyes of the terrorists, of being Jews. And perhaps the subject of negotiation: free everyone – says Hamas – in exchange for all Palestinian prisoners.

“We will destroy Hamas, Israel fights for humanity,” announces the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Which warns: it will be a hard and long war.


It is clear that the more the conflict unleashed by Hamas's anti-Semitism expands, the greater will be the danger – indeed, the reality already seen – that the killed Israeli children will be joined by equally innocent Palestinian children killed. Dramatic "side effects", as they say with revolting cynicism in these cases?
Effects certainly not wanted by Israel, a democratic country under siege that does everything possible, unlike Hamas with the roles reversed, not to attack the innocent on the other side. Even with appeals to the Palestinians to abandon the north of the Strip.

But when such a massive military operation also begins from the ground, and no longer just from the sky and the sea where it was already heavily underway, no one knows how many people who have nothing to do with the Hamas terrorists will end up victims of the clashes. There are no "surgical wars" capable of separating evil from good, Hamas from the Palestinian people, the architects of the massacre in Israel from the innocent Palestinians, women, children or adult civilians.


We are also in the darkest hour for both Western and Arab international diplomacy and political strategy which, for different reasons and with different objectives, are not proving to be up to the serious situation. Starting with the European Union, the institution most interested in putting out the fire before it breaks out. But he manages to accomplish little other than arguing (it also happens in Italy) about which text to approve or not in the UN resolution. Or what slogans to shout in Italian pro-Palestine demonstrations. Which are multiplying throughout the continent, despite no pro-Israel demonstrations reported in the aftermath of the beheading of Jewish children.

We are, therefore, faced with the most dramatic geopolitical crisis of recent decades. For the Israelis a second Holocaust, for the Palestinians without a homeland and without peace the end of a dream, for the world the beginning of a nightmare with unpredictable consequences.

May God at least help us, given that from men and from terrorists who are not men, we have, at least so far, very little to hope for.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona and Bresciaoggi)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/crisi-diplomazia-guerra-hamas-israele/ on Mon, 30 Oct 2023 06:44:27 +0000.