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The Draghi government in a nutshell: ministers, news and confirmations

The Draghi government in a nutshell: ministers, news and confirmations

All about the Draghi government. The Start Magazine special

The government team led by Mario Draghi is made up of 23 ministers. 15 are the dicasteries led by politicians, chosen from among the forces of the large majority that supports the executive (Pd, M5s, Leu, Iv, Forza Italia, Lega), 8 are instead the 'technicians'. There are 8 women, 15 men.

There are 4 ministers from the M5S of the Draghi government, three from the Democratic Party, Forza Italia and Lega, one from Leu and one from Italia Viva.

In particular, Luigi Di Maio, Stefano Patuanelli (moved from Mise to Agriculture), Fabiana Dadone (moved from Innovation to Youth Policies) and Federico D'Incà are from M5S.

The Democratic Party is Andrea Orlando (surprisingly at the Ministry of Labor), Lorenzo Guerini (confirmed in Defense) and Dario Franceschini (in Culture)

Forza Italia is Renato Brunetta, Mariastella Gelmini and Mara Carfagna.

The Lega are Erika Stefani, Giancarlo Giorgetti and Massimo Garavaglia .

Iv is the expression of Elena Bonetti, who passes from the Family to Equal Opportunities.

Di Leu is Roberto Speranza's expression, reconfirmed to the Minister of Health.


4 ministers in M5s, 3 in Pd, 3 in Lega and 3 in Forza Italia; 1 each to Leu and Iv.


Marta Cartabia (Justice); Luciana Lamorgese (Internal); Mariastella Gelmini (Autonomies); Mara Carfagna (South and cohesion); Fabiana Dadone (Youth Policies); Elena Bonetti (equal opportunity); Erika Stefani (Disability); Cristina Messa (University).


Luciana Lamorgese at the Ministry of the Interior; Luigi Di Maio to the Foreign Ministry; Fedrico D'Inca 'to the ministry for relations with the Parliament; Elena Bonetti at the Ministry for Equal Opportunities; Roberto Speranza at the Ministry of Health; Stefano Patuanelli who moved from economic development to agriculture; Dario Franceschini at the Ministry of Culture; Fabiana Dadone who passes from the Public Administration to the Ministry of Youth Policies; Lorenzo Guerini to the Ministry of Defense.


there are a total of 15 'political' ministers (Franceschini, Orlando, Guerini; Bonetti; Di Maio, Patuanelli, D'Inca ', Dadone; Speranza; Stefani, Giorgetti, Garavaglia; Gelmini, Brunetta, Carfagna). There are 8 technicians, who lead the ministries of Justice (Cartabia), Interior (Lamorgese), Technological innovation (Colao), Economy (Franco), Ecological transition (Cingolani), Transport (Giovannini), Education (Bianchi), Universita '(Mass).


The average age of the executive rises, compared to the two previous Conte-led governments: 54 years compared to 47 and 48 of the previous executives. The government team led by Mario Draghi has a Nordic 'traction': 18 exponents out of 24. Mario Draghi, 73, is the oldest, the youngest is 34-year-old Luigi Di Maio. Still in the thirties, also the pentastellata Fabiana Dadone. Then there is the 42 year old Roberto Speranza.


The ministers come mainly from northern regions: Overwhelming the presence of ministers from Northern Italy. They are 18 out of 24 (equal to 75%), including the undersecretary to the prime minister. Several Lombard ministers (Cartabia, Cingolani, Colao, Garavaglia, Gelmini, Giorgetti, Guerini, Messa, Bonetti). From northern regions also Dario Franceschini (from Emilia), Andrea Orlando (from Liguria), Federico D'Inca '(from Belluno). The center is represented by Prime Minister Draghi himself and Minister Giovannini. They are from South Lamorgese and Speranza (both Lucanians); Carfagna and Di Maio (from Campania), Undersecretary Cingolani (from Taranto).

Daniele Franco, who is the Minister of Economy who will take the place of Gualtieri

Here is the CV of Roberto Cingolani, Minister of Ecological Transition in the Draghi government

Enrico Giovannini, who is the new Minister of Infrastructures in place of Paola De Micheli

Who is Massimo Garavaglia, the Northern League's Minister of Tourism in the Draghi government

Who is Maria Cristina Messa, new Minister of University and Research

Patrizio Bianchi, the curriculum of the prof Minister of Education instead of Azzolina

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/primo-piano/governo-draghi-ministri/ on Fri, 12 Feb 2021 20:17:03 +0000.