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The fatuous joys of the Pd

The fatuous joys of the Pd

What happens in the Democratic Party grappling with the congress and primaries for the secretary. Damato's Scratches

Long faces to the Nazarene, not only for the "continuous rubble", as the manifesto called them, of the distant Turkish-Syrian apocalypse that filled the world with anguish and horror, but also, and perhaps even more, without wanting to offend who works or attends the national headquarters of the Democratic Party, for the news arriving from the periphery on the votes in the congress clubs.

Just over half of the members participate, frankly a bit too little for an openly "constituent" appointment, and moreover not even free from irregularities, protests, appeals, even in the Bologna of the candidate leading the race for the secretariat: the "governor" regional Stefano Bonaccini. In Campania some votes and lists of members have been rejected and "rags are flying", as some newspapers have headlined.


Among the flying rags there is also the commissioner sent to the spot by the Nazarene, Francesco Boccia, whose resignation has been announced for today, but not as coordinator of the congressional campaign of Elly Schlein, who is tailing Bonaccini and showing sure of overtaking him.

The waters in the Democratic Party, despite the unified facade of the protests against Giorgia Meloni and her loyalists, who doubted the anti-mafia and anti-terrorist firmness of a party that shed blood on the road to fighting both national disasters, were agitated also by the somewhat botched management, in the Nazareno and surroundings, of the case of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito . Which is a long protest against the special prison regime to which he is subjected on a par with mafiosi and terrorists, in fact.

The visit of a delegation of parliamentarians from the Democratic Party which was supposed to be on 12 January for legitimate inspection, verification and so on of the prisoner's conditions has gradually been weighed down by clumsy initiatives solicited by Cospito himself. Who ended up being able to involve prisoners of the mafia and the like in that visit.


The disclosure of this mess in the parliamentary halls on the initiative, responsibility and so on of an undersecretary of justice and a very loyal Meloni deputy, who practically defended them while recommending everyone, even them, to tone down the controversy; the disclosure of this mess, I said, has multiplied the difficulties of the party led by Enrico Letta for a little while longer. Where sensitivities have emerged, to say the least, different if not real contrasts on the permanent opportunity of the special regime of the famous article 41 bis of the prison system. And this despite a large share of this regime that emerged from surveys conducted or commissioned even by those opposed to the so-called hard prison.

Interviewed a few days ago by the Press , the former president and former minister of the Democratic Party Rosy Bindi also warned her friends that "it is useless to divide on this point, since the decision rests with the judiciary and the minister on a case-by-case basis".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/pd-acque-agitate-nazareno/ on Tue, 07 Feb 2023 06:13:46 +0000.