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The financial education I would like. The FEduF conference

The financial education I would like. The FEduF conference

What was said at the presentation of the FEduF financial education document. The works of the students of the Political School were also presented

The presentation of the financial education document of FEduF , the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings, was held yesterday afternoon at the Stables of Palazzo Altieri in Rome. Chaired by Stefano Lucchini, the foundation coordinated the presentation of the works of the participants in the Political School “Living in the community”.


How to learn how to manage savings ? What is the risk level of an investment? And which payment tool is best suited to our needs? We discussed these questions and tried to give some concrete answers through the speakers and the final works of the participants in the Political School .

Because having a good financial education allows us to best fulfill ourselves as citizens in society. But literacy on this front is still low. And so the Foundation's commitment is to enter the training course of compulsory schooling.


“One of the goals we imagined with this initiative was to put the young people in contact with the stakeholders. Our goal is to stay in touch with the participants of the political school, ”said Marcello Presicci, Co-Founder of the Political School Living in the Community yesterday during the presentation at the Stables of Palazzo Altieri.

Creating this bond, on the other hand, is one of the key ways to improve a starting situation far from excellence. According to the Bank of Italy Survey on Italians' Literacy and Financial Skills (IACOFI) ", in the second edition, the average level of financial education, in 2020, is equal to 11.2, on a scale ranging from 1 to 21 (in line with the value recorded in 2017).


“The wealth of Italians resides in the current account which is not a tool for managing savings. Dealing with money is complex and anxious, keeping your savings in the bank is like keeping an anxiolytic. Financial education is crucial ”- said Giovanna Boggio Robutti.

According to the Director of the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings, "we want to understand their sensitivity to money with young people, we want to grasp the listening keys to facilitate dialogue".


Michele Guerriero, editorial director of Start Magazine , moderated the presentation of the position papers of the Political School. “The shared value generated by greater financial education is another pillar of citizenship. This can be conceived as a new citizenship, it is one of the issues to be introduced in the education of students and citizens in general. A good financial education – said Guerriero – can ensure that this becomes sustainable also thanks to technological tools, it avoids social exclusion as shown by the projects we are analyzing today with the Political School ”.


Commenting on some of the works presented was then Alessandra Staderini, Deputy Head of the Financial Education Service of the Bank of Italy. “The kids have adopted a broad definition of financial education. It means that for them the subject is an opportunity for general learning of the economic system, ”he said.

“In addition to technological progress and digitalization, there is talk of sustainability in both finance and development. This shows that the contents evolve rapidly “.


Finally, commenting with a reference to the challenges of the sector, for Staderini some attempts used by the participants of the School to "engage people, find the right and various tools" were interesting. These include payroll infographics or American TV series. In short, investing in training leads in a short time to concrete ideas for a good financial education.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/leducazione-finanziaria-che-vorrei-la-conferenza-della-feduf/ on Thu, 14 Jul 2022 07:54:20 +0000.