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The heat plays tricks on newspaper editorial offices

The heat plays tricks on newspaper editorial offices

With the heat, paper speculation on various political fronts is increasing. Damato's Scratches

Call them, or rather let's call them paper or hot-eyed things, given the temperatures in which we have to live even though we haven't yet ended up dead in hell. But when these guesses are based on real facts or circumstances and a lot of journalists fall for them, not improvised but with a certain experience, the disorientation becomes great. And we are caught by the suspicion of having fallen into some trap, we too who felt presumptuously exempt from the risk of mistaking fireflies for lanterns.

Al Foglio – where Giuliano Ferrara himself recently glimpsed a "Meloni-Schlein shadow majority" in an anti-Putin function due to the war in Ukraine, given the convergence between the government and the Democratic Party also of Schlein, in fact, after that of Enrico Letta, on military aid to the country attacked by Russia – they too realized in a few days that the new secretary of the Nazarene is different from her predecessor. "When Hamlet advances on the scene and says he "to be … or not to be?, in the pause between the two alternatives he thinks of Elly Schlein", says a headline on the entire front page today about the abstention ordered by the secretary of the Democratic Party to his MPs on surrogacy, or surrogacy. Abstention translated by the group into an escape from the classroom for its divisions.

On the other hand, and on a front that should be considered the opposite, even though Giuliano Ferrara also comes from a consistent communist family experience, Piero Sansonetti on the Unit that he has recently managed to report on newsstands has discovered, denounced and so on a "pact Meloni-Travaglio", translated into "more handcuffs", on the increasingly tangled terrain of the fight against the mafia.

Meloni, according to Sansonetti, is not happy with having stopped the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio on the road to a "remodulation" of the "oxymoron" crime as Nordio himself calls it – of external competition in mafia association, has decided to nullify with a decree read some sentences of the Court of Cassation which were making it difficult to apply the mafia aggravating circumstance to certain crimes.

Thanks also to this initiative, the right-wing prime minister would have sheltered herself from the suspicion of having forgotten her youthful or adolescent enthusiasm for Paolo Borsellino, a right-wing magistrate assassinated by the mafia 31 years ago in Palermo. In memory of which Meloni ran to Sicily today to lay wreaths and so on, but avoiding scheduling, for fear of disputes and unrest, participation in the usually conclusive torchlight vigil of the celebratory events. An "escape" from via D'Amelio, headlined Il Fatto , which does not forgive Meloni for having taken Nordio to via Arenula and, even at the cost of denying Sansonetti's representation, continues to keep her under fire, evidently considering the disavowals of his minister. Who, on the other hand, didn't resent it at all.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/il-caldo-fa-brutti-scherzi-nelle-redazioni-dei-giornali/ on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:53:17 +0000.