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The Italian bullfight on the results of the elections in Spain

The Italian bullfight on the results of the elections in Spain

Surprising and sometimes bizarre comments and analyzes from Italy on the general elections in Spain. Damato's Scratches

All now, between parties and newspapers, leaders and journalists, fans and cartoonists, in a frenetic and dangerous race in the temperatures of this horrid summer, to draw lessons and to teach them in Italy after the elections in Spain. That they would have stopped the “black wave” – headlined, for example, La Stampa – for the burning, indubitable debacle of Vox's right sponsored at Palazzo Chigi by a Giorgia Meloni who is now, or almost voiceless . The "hoarseness" attributed to her on the front page of Corriere della Sera by Emilio Giannelli in the cartoon of the day certainly gives a good idea of ​​the disappointment caused to the Italian premier by her Spanish friends.


And yet, as Giovanni Orsina always warns in La Stampa in his comment already in the title packaged for him in the editorial office, "Vox has lost but the right has not" because the Spanish popular party, which is certainly not left-wing, "improved the 2019 result by 50 percent, going from 89 to 136 deputies". The Socialists of outgoing Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, to whom Pd secretary Elly Schlein has clung to Italy like a lifesaver, have instead lost a few seats and can only escape the opposition by betting on an alliance with the Catalan independence activists, whose leader is currently at risk of arrest. Unless – in the Italian style as in 1976 with the “national solidarity” coined by Moroteo but also on other subsequent occasions – the two major parties emerging from the polls agree on some emergency solution. And this even at the cost of driving a Marco Travaglio crazy in Rome who just today sings in his Fatto Quotidiano Sanchez's opposition to the "crowds", as if the one with arresting Carles Puigdemont was not.

I believe it is premature to say and predict everything about the Spanish vote and its repercussions elsewhere: from Rome to Brussels. Also the certainty expressed in the Corriere della Sera by my friend Aldo Cazzullo that "the export center-right dreamed of by Meloni does not work, at least in Spain but probably not even in Europe". And this is because "the people of the great European countries", despite the wind blowing from Finland to Greece in recent times, "do not have all this desire to be caught in the grip between the sovereignists and this new, conservative and somewhat grim version of the popular ones". But "they are fond of rights and freedoms", wrote Cazzullo.

More measured, even compared to the "hit for Meloni" enthusiastically shouted by Piero Sansonetti's Unit, seems to me for once the reasoning of the Foglio in the discursive title on the "Vox flop" which "does good" to the Italian premier, teaching her that "you cannot govern by flirting with extremisms". “It is valid in Spain, it is valid in Europe. The Vox disaster – explains Il Foglio – is a problem for Meloni in the fight but an opportunity for the government”. Which, moreover, on its way to the United States, could now "recalibrate the axis and get rid of other ghosts".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/elezioni-spagna-reazioni-italia/ on Tue, 25 Jul 2023 05:28:46 +0000.