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The latest fibrillations in the center-right in view of the Meloni government

The latest fibrillations in the center-right in view of the Meloni government

What happens in the center right. Paola Sacchi's note

It is Giorgia Meloni, around 8 pm last night, who formalized the unitary delegation of the center-right this morning at the Colle.

“Tomorrow (today ed ), together with the entire center-right coalition, we will go up to the Quirinale for consultations with the President of the Republic Mattarella. We are ready to give Italy a government that faces the urgencies and challenges of our time with awareness and competence ”, affirms the president of FdI. Meloni, according to Maurizio Lupi of “Noi Moderati”, who will be part of the delegation, could be the only one to speak for everyone.

There will be Silvio Berlusconi, president and founder of Forza Italia, and Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, accompanied by their respective group leaders: Francesco Lollobrigida and Luca Ciriani (FdI), Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo (Lega), Licia Ronzulli and Alessandro Cattaneo (FI ).

In the meantime, the oppositions point the index, with Giuseppe Conte in the lead, also on Antonio Tajani, despite that indisputable European curriculum that he has, using the "decontextualized" phrases of Silvio Berlusconi on Putin, but Tajani until last night was always on pole for Foreign Affairs. He too, vice president of FI and of the EPP, former president of the European Parliament, former EU commissioner, is given present today at the Quirinale in the blue delegation led by Berlusconi alongside the group leaders, the forty-year-olds Ronzulli and Cattaneo. Tajani has just returned from Brussels from the EPP summit, where President Manfred Weber and EP President Roberta Metsola gave the important endorsement to the blue coordinator and FI for the values ​​of “Europeanism and Atlanticism”.

Berlusconi's number two was unequivocal with the leaders of the PPE, of which he himself is a member: "I am here to confirm the position of the leader of my party and mine totally in favor of NATO, of Europe totally opposed to unacceptable aggression of Russia to Ukraine ". The blue leader, a former four-time prime minister, the other evening, after the second audio release on Putin and Russia's war against Ukraine, which was followed by a firm reaction from Meloni ("Atlanticist government, otherwise you can't" ), had immediately responded to the opposition and indirectly to the premier in pectore: "No one should allow himself to question my positions that have always been in favor of NATO, my Atlanticism and Europeanism".

Berlusconi had immediately attacked the media use of "decontextualized" and exploited phrases, while saying "I deny my friendship with Putin", he stressed that this "does not at all mean that it justifies the aggression against Ukraine which I strongly condemn and to which the our help ". The Cav reminds the opposition that they are attacking him and pointing the finger at Tajani as well, placing a real deal on the "FI ministers" for Foreign Affairs, that while the left allied with the Democratic Party voted against support for Ukraine and the enlargement of the NATO, FI and the rest of the center-right with Lega and FdI have always voted in favor.

The contradictions of the oppositions are stigmatized by Stefania Craxi, FI senator and president of the Foreign Affairs commission of Palazzo Madama. Some rumors saw Tajani also in defense last night, but it seems that the Farnesina is his destination, even after the significant endorsement in Fi by the leaders of the EPP. During the electoral campaign, Weber himself had come to Italy to visit Berlusconi in Arcore to support FI, “the pivot of Europeanism, guaranteeism and Atlanticism of the coalition”, Cav. Who proudly claimed his visit as premier to the US Congress where he was greeted with a standing ovation. Berlusconi, as the chronicles of the time recall, also served as prime minister in '94 among the first visits to the US military cemetery in Neptune.

But justice remained the real unknown factor in the negotiation for the government team until the night. Berlusconi would always like Elisabetta Alberti Casellati in Via Arenula, but FdI remains firm on Carlo Nordio. Among the indiscretions the possibility that he has Francesco Paolo Sisto as his deputy. Casellati should go to the Reforms. It will be necessary to see if Meloni will assign Economic Development to FI.

Meanwhile, Giancarlo Giorgetti at Mef remains firm, the League would have Education instead of Agriculture. If the negotiation is unlocked on the key boxes around which the junction of all the risk of the government team passes, the probable prime minister in charge could also appear quickly at the Colle with the list of ministers.

There could be a speed record like Berlusconi's in 2008 when he arrived, after his post, with the list of ministers ready. It is Meloni's day. The probable first Italian female premier. She is responsible for keeping together a government majority and a coalition that already governs 14 regions out of 20. Berlusconi recalls: "The center-right is made up of three political forces, each of which is numerically and politically essential to the life of the future government. ". That same invitation to respect the role and identity of the allied parties that he had addressed to the probable future prime minister in charge of the Via della Scrofa summit.

Finally, this morning lightning conversation of the center-right with Mattarella. Meloni: “The ideas are quite clear, we are ready”. And after the consultations he declares: “The center-right delegation agreed with President Mattarella on the need to give the nation a new government in the shortest possible time. The whole coalition gave a unanimous indication by proposing to the President of the Republic the indication of the undersigned ”. Then in the courtyard there was a cordial conversation between the leaders of the center-right. With them Tajani. Fast times are expected for the government team.

Berlusconi visibly nods twice as Meloni speaks after the consultations.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/fibrillazioni-centrodestra-governo-meloni/ on Fri, 21 Oct 2022 05:09:58 +0000.