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The latest news on the Italian political chaos

The latest news on the Italian political chaos

What happens in the palaces of politics? The Scratches of Damato

On this Monday of the "chaos", as Il Fatto Quotidiano defined it once in a while without exaggerating – thinking in particular of the reopening of schools, amid the absence of teachers and students already infected or at risk of being infected with a pandemic that forced General Francesco Son to keep vaccination operations open even at night – each has imagined Mario Draghi's announced press conference for his own use and consumption.

So La Stampa , answering the main question that the director Massimo Giannini had proposed yesterday morning, headlined a Draghi determined to go on his way without letting himself be “conditioned” by the race at the Quirinale. To which, however, even if he is no longer interested or available with the formula of " grandfather at the disposal of the institutions ", parties, leaders and leeaderines remain very interested on which the action of an anomalous and emergency government like his depends . The measures of which must then be approved by Parliament, despite the now habitual constraints of the procedures and in a regime of substantial single chamberism, introduced surreptitiously even before Draghi actually arrived at Palazzo Chigi.

The newspaper of the Berlusconi family went further by imagining, albeit with the caution of a conditional in the editor's editorial text, an explicit and public "renunciation" by Draghi of the race for the succession of Sergio Mattarella. A renunciation that could facilitate Berlusconi's run, even in the unknowns also deriving from contagion absences which, however, would not reduce the qualified majorities required by the Constitution for the election of the President of the Republic by the over a thousand senators, deputies and regional delegates. So the former Prime Minister will continue to have to serve at least 505 votes, against the 430 and odd that the center-right has on paper, gross of the absent and of course the "snipers", or "free thinkers", as he calls them. with some personal experience, the now ex Paolo Cirino Pomicino.

Then there is the problem, however honestly not ignored by the Journal , of other candidates capable of disturbing Berlusconi's ambitions, such as that of the now “chameleonic” Giuliano Amato. That same Berlusconi seven years ago tried to get elected by succeeding Giorgio Napolitano, in agreement on the left with Massino D'Alema, however, clashing with the then Prime Minister and secretary of the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi. That Sergio Mattarella preferred him by apologizing directly to the person on the phone, elegantly hastened to take him away from embarrassment by expressing understanding. The former Socialist Prime Minister was still old enough to hope for another occasion. Now, at 83, he is like Berlusconi, at 85, reasonably at the last resort of this blessed race to the Quirinale.

I believe that the optimism of Renato Brunetta on this Monday – I repeat – of pandemic and political chaos deserves to be mentioned at least literally. Which, probably strengthened by the position of senior minister, entitled to replace who knows how long a Draghi eventually elected to the Quirinale, despite or perhaps even with the final push of a renouncing Berlusconi, Brunetta wrote verbatim on the sheet : "The present absorbs us with all its complexity: Covid, pandemic, crisis, inflation, upcoming institutional deadlines. A weight that risks nailing us to today preventing us from imagining tomorrow. To be paralyzed would be a grave mistake. Instead, we must strive to think with two heads, almost like Janus Two-faced, the divinity capable of looking at both the past and the future ", having" the tools to seriously redesign the future ", such as the recovery plan financed by the European Union , and even or above all "courage". Lucky him.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-ultime-news-sul-marasma-politico-italiano/ on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 06:38:35 +0000.