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The macronata of France seen in the newspapers

The macronata of France seen in the newspapers

Reactions, headlines and comments from the Italian press on the Italy-France controversy over the migrant dossier. the Scratches of Damato

Even more than the Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in front of the scenes, at the European Council on Monday with his counterparts from the countries of the Union, who knows how much the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and the former Prime Minister Mario Draghi will have to work behind the scenes, his friends now also personal, as well as politicians, to calm Emmanuel Macron. And make him lower that umbrella arm that cartoonist Emilio Giannelli attributed to him on the front page of Corriere della Sera to the address of Italy, with the fraternity of the French revolution translated into fraternal… tiè!


More than "hysterics", as the title La Verità by Maurizio Belpietro, or "cowards", according to Libero by Alessandro Sallusti, or "bullies" according to Il Giornale, who used the singular, taking it alone or directly with Macron, our cousins from beyond the Alps are touchy. And they reacted, perhaps exaggerating a little, to an objective exhibitionistic imprudence carried out by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Vice President Matteo Salvini, singing victory for the port of Marseille, which later became the port of Toulon, open to the flag-flying volunteer ship Norwegian Oceanic Viking, loaded with more than 230 migrants rescued at sea off the African coast and probably destined, in the intentions of the crew, to some Italian port.


Partly because objectively and rightly surprised by Meloni's and Salvini's tactlessness, partly because he was overruled in his mood by the community reactions of Brussels to Italian conduct, partly because it was put in difficulty by the opposition of the right of the house, that in matters of sovereignty, let's call it that, is a competitor of the Italian right, Macron has raised with the words and attitudes "the wall of the Alps" on which he titled Avvenire . And he even lent himself to the personalistic reading of Repubblica with the announcement “Macron breaks with Meloni”.


The Norwegian-flagged ship was also allowed to disembark migrants in France, after a certain temptation to actually divert it to some Sardinian port. But on the other hand, the already oppressive controls of the Italian-French land border, in Ventimiglia and its surroundings, have been strengthened and the already planned attribution to the government of Paris of more than three thousand migrants who arrived in recent months has been canceled – or suspended, or even earlier, in Italy.


This story, objectively regrettable, was also compared by the sheet in the title to that of the anti-Macron "yellow vests" which, although they had set fire to Paris and other parts of French territory, were honored as heroes, complete with visit, by the then grillino vice president of the council Luigi Di Maio, accompanied or perhaps more in the retinue of the then personal friend and party colleague Alessandro Di Battista. The first government of Giuseppe Conte was in office.


When the French ambassador to Italy was recalled to his homeland in protest, the president Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinale had to sweat the proverbial seven shirts for a mending of relations which, at that point, the then president of the Conte Council was not enough. Which was as if not worse than the conditions attributed today by the Fatto Quotidiano , its nostalgic admirer, to Giorgia Meloni. That cartoonist Riccardo Mannelli represented grim and Romanesque as a "black face" muttering "your mortacci". They are, for heaven's sake, the rights of satire, or – in those parts – the duties of the political struggle.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/italia-francia-migranti/ on Fri, 11 Nov 2022 06:34:56 +0000.