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The magistrates will go from the frying pan to the fire

The magistrates will go from the frying pan to the fire

For the magistrates, there is the autumn match for the separation of careers. Damato's Scratches

Although presided over by a magistrate, Giuseppe Santalucia (in the photo), who bears the name of the protector of eyesight, who knows how much more time they will need in the association of robes to realize the dead end in which they are stuck waging war against the seal keeper Carlo Nordio in defense of the murky crime of external competition in the mafia association. And snatching from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni a substantial disavowal of the minister, invited to be more political and less of a lecturer, and to stick to the "priorities" of the government program. Among which there would be neither the abolition of external competition in mafia associations, moreover not even written in the code but deduced from the sentences, nor its "remodulation", "typification" and the like.

Having unloaded the entire war arsenal on the field of external competition in a mafia-type association, and the reserves in defense of the crime of abuse of office contested by the mayors, including those of the Democratic Party, who for this reason were disguised as many Nordios in the photomontage of the day in the Fatto Quotidiano, the national association of magistrates risks arriving essentially unarmed at the autumn match for the separation of careers. Which was practically announced by the chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Chamber, the force advocate Nazario Pagano, in a conference organized by the forensic congressional body. Where the president of the National Council of Lawyers, Francesco Greco, has asked that the trial finally take place with the participation of three equal parties and not of "two colleagues", who are the judge and the prosecutor, and "a stranger". That would be the lawyer.

Pagano specified that the four bills, a parliamentary initiative, to separate the careers of the prosecutor and the judge by amending the Constitution have suffered a setback in recent months due to the precedence due to the conversion of some urgent decrees, but the examination will resume quickly after the summer break, also guaranteed by him as speaker. Deputy Justice Minister Francesco Paolo Sisto, also a force supporter, reiterated the government's favorable opinion, including the matter among the reforms agreed between the centre-right coalition parties. And shared by the so-called third pole, at least in this one not divided, as usual, between a Carlo Calenda fearful of being too far to the right and a Matteo Renzi not at all embarrassed, and eager to please the electorate of the late Silvio Berlusconi . Of whose daughter Marina he was keen to share the recent letter written to the Giornale in defense of her father still suspected of having wanted to win the 1994 elections with the help of the massacre mafia. A letter, that of Marina Berlusconi, on which a contrast to Meloni was imagined, denied by both with a phone call translated into a statement by the daughter of the founder of Forza Italia.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/i-magistrati-passeranno-dalla-padella-alla-brace/ on Sat, 22 Jul 2023 06:11:13 +0000.