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The NRP must also push autonomy, equality and freedom of educational choice

The NRP must also push autonomy, equality and freedom of educational choice

Sister Anna Monia Alfieri's notebook

Dear all,

I'll write back to you, happy to share some important updates with you. As you will understand, we are taking real leaps and bounds.

First of all, I would like to point out the very important event that took place last in Rome, at the Salone della Giustizia 2021. After the interesting speech by Minister Patrizio Bianchi, the journalist Ilaria Capitani masterfully conducted a round table animated by exceptional speakers, like dr. Giorgio Lattanzi, Dr. Simonetta Matone, Dr. Gemma Gualdi, Dr. Paola Severino. Here the video "Education and justice" . A moment of great depth, both human and cultural. Civil.

All in line with the recent statements by Prime Minister Draghi on a visit to the A. Cuccovillo Scientific Technical Institute in Bari, “Investing in schools is a civil duty”. The premier also made a very important commitment on behalf of the entire executive: "After years in which Italy has often forgotten its girls and boys, know – says the prime minister, addressing young people – that your aspirations , your expectations, today are at the center of the Government's action (…) You young people have the task of transforming Italy. Our job is to put you in a position to do it in the best possible way. Yours is to start imagining the country you want to live in. Get ready to build it, with passion, determination and – why not? – with a hint of unconsciousness ».

As we have repeatedly reiterated, a fairer and fairer society passes through a fairer and fairer school. The funds of the NRP will therefore have to be used in the best possible way, to accelerate the path towards autonomy, equality and freedom of educational choice. Obviously everything passes from Parliament, from a broad political transversality and from the (com) participation of the individual Regions. Only a large task force of State, Regions, Provinces and Municipalities, public and private, lay and ecclesial institutions, no one excluded, can achieve the important change of course. It is no longer the time for claims or statements of principle. All, without exception, we are committed to implementing the premier's words, without any defense of presumed partisan interests. The future of our young people is at stake.

To this end, the contribution of Parliament, the place where citizens are represented, remains essential. Here is an important example, on the occasion of the presentation of the book "Knowledge, Competence, Creativity, Growth."

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/il-pnrr-deve-spingere-anche-autonomia-parita-e-liberta-di-scelta-educativa/ on Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:26:12 +0000.