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The political profiteering on Giulia Cecchettin

The political profiteering on Giulia Cecchettin

It is time that at least in the face of certain dramatic phenomena such as femicide, politics discovered the duty or at least the good taste of not dividing and of practicing bipartisan practice in a positive way. Damato's italics

Although bipartisan, i.e. conducted by both sides, left and right or vice versa, one attacking and the other reciprocating, the political profiteering and its media appendage of the tragic end of Giulia Cecchettin was, indeed is, certainly squalid predictable but not therefore acceptable.

It's hard to say who started first. Perhaps the left was also riding on certain Internet reactions from the sister, Elena, of the young woman murdered by the tormentor who ultimately turned out to be her boyfriend Filippo Turetta. The joint, in particular, causing a bit of confusion for me between power, in the lower case, and State, with a capital letter, defined Giulia's murder as a murder of a power, in fact, still patriarchal in the conception of social relations, emotional and family and therefore of a State that has proven incapable of prevention, education and so on.

The icing on the already intoxicated cake, like it or not, with this type of reasoning was put by the Debedettian radical newspaper – Tomorrow – writing at the bottom of a title inspired by a phrase by Elena Cecchettin – "If it's up to me I want to be the last” – that the right is afraid of the laws necessary “to educate freedom and affectivity”. A right – it must be deduced – still attached to the aforementioned patriarchal conception of society and the family, from which derives the reduction of woman to a person possessed by man to the point of becoming his victim in the bloody sense of the word.

Furthermore, the right today led by a woman also at the head of the government – a young woman who is frankly difficult, with her personal history, to imagine as a convinced participant in a similar conception of human relationships – has not naturally remained silent or passive in the face of this representation of herself. But, alas, it has descended to the level of the left – or pseudo-left – of a prejudicial, antipathetic attack – as Luca Ricolfi would say – in claiming moral and educational superiority in this too, it has descended there by claiming the merit of the feminicides which have decreased, compared to the past, in 2023 marked by Meloni's government. A 2023 which is not yet finished – I would like to remind the Giornale , which boasted about it – and therefore still capable of reserving unpleasant surprises even for this way of measuring, calculating and whatever else the merits and demerits of one political party or the other . As is done when it comes to migrants arriving on Italian coasts.

Rather than continue along this obscene path of exploitation or profiteering, it is time that at least in the face of certain dramatic phenomena such as femicide, politics discovered the duty or at least the good taste of not dividing and of practicing bipartisan practice in a positive way. . That is, by facing together and in solidarity what has now become a real emergency, without going out of our way and making more or less ephemeral successes our own.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/giulia-cecchettin-sciacallaggio-politico/ on Tue, 21 Nov 2023 06:30:56 +0000.