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The rave-parties and the freedom that does not free

The rave-parties and the freedom that does not free

What is worrying is the exaltation and the will to impose a single thought, in the name of a freedom that does not free but annihilates. Sister Anna Monia Alfieri's notebook

Dies amara valde . I refer to the two main news of these days: the Taliban shooting Kabul and the unauthorized rave in the Viterbo area, an event that has raised controversy and fears for the risk of contagion from Covid. As some have said, the two events are linked by a common thread: the need for freedom, real or presumed. The risk is always the same: reducing the news to an opportunity to fill the columns of the newspapers or the hours of live broadcast that leave everyone with a sense of frustration and helplessness. Instead, let's try to look at these tragic news events from a different perspective: the desire to change things.

Let's start with the facts of our home. One wonders how it was possible that hundreds of thousands of people gathered, transported drugs, destroyed private property and then quietly returned home. For them, the Criminal Code with the crimes of public disorder, violation of private property, violence, illegal occupation of public and private land, spread of infections and so on, does not exist? However, we cannot stop at the question: how was this possible? Stopping at this question would mean indulging inertia and legitimizing the offense. What happened in Valentano should not and could not have happened, since the Italian State had all the tools to prevent and guarantee the rights of individuals and the community. It must be said, otherwise we are conveying a dangerous message.

Let's try to think what message we adults are launching to our young people: it is legitimate to steal, peddle, damage private property, limiting ourselves to asking how this was possible, without at the same time invoking the tools that the State and the police have already in hand to prevent and prevent all this. There are other, and very different, questions that we must ask ourselves: what are the legal tools at our disposal? Do we know them? Did we apply them? And, if they have not been applied, who is the subject who has failed to fulfill his duty? Without personal responsibility we continue to legitimize these violent acts. Warning: it is not a question of finding the scapegoat, but of understanding where the system is jammed. Then, truly, the punishment becomes redemptive and rehabilitative of the person, first of all , of the system, in secundis .

Personal responsibility must follow the necessary verification of tools and procedures, otherwise, in generalized limbo, the offense is legitimized with impunity.

There is no true freedom except at the service of good and justice (CCC. § 1733). A responsible adult approach requires us, in fact, to tell our young people that freedom is not anarchy, otherwise it becomes slavery. What is striking is the response of a young participant in the rave who, when interviewed, stated that drugs and unbridled sex are the norm even in discos and private parties. Here, the logic of the adult – adolescent has deceived this girl and, with her, our young people. First of all, the promoters of the rave party are not benefactors, so the speculated profit is certain. The error never legitimizes the error. The rivers of drugs and violence of the unauthorized rave party cannot be legalized by virtue of what happens, alas, in other places with the only difference that they are authorized events. What hurts the heart most is the fact that these young people do not realize that they have stolen precious time that they could have used better, building a freer future for themselves and for others. Other than freedom! What freedom are we talking about, if it feeds on violence and abuse? Freedom without co-responsibility is a fake. Freedom requires sociality and therefore rules of coexistence, otherwise we fall into abuse. And then, mutatis mutandis , the transition from occupying public land and damaging private property to occupying an entire country to the cry of freedom is a moment, it is not a stretch of thought. It is always a question of denied freedom. We learn to think big, with attention to detail that extends to the overall reality, we will understand that certain tragic events, such as that of the mother who throws her child over the barbed wire, in the extreme hope that he will be saved from the regime, they are the logical consequence of daily abuses, of a prevailing confusion of those who ask themselves the questions that do not bother anyone.

The meaning of the word freedom, supreme good for the human being, is sometimes misunderstood with the decision to act motu proprio , as monads out of control. Conversely, freedom is typical of the social being who lives by and in relationship. What is worrying is the exaltation and the will to impose a single thought, in the name of a freedom that does not free but annihilates.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/rave-viterbese-talebani-kabul-liberta/ on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 05:58:47 +0000.