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The soap opera of the left on the League

The soap opera of the left on the League

The League has always been a sort of obsession with the left, which has nurtured the dream of splitting it and dominating it. Paola Sacchi's note

From the Lega "rib of the left", Massimo D'Alema's famous phrase, which was transformed, summarizing, in the attempt to divide Roberto Maroni, whose funeral will be celebrated tomorrow in his native Varese, from Umberto Bossi, to what now appears as a sort of obsession against Matteo Salvini and translates into an attempt to divide him from Giancarlo Giorgetti. Or from Luca Zaia.

That Salvini, pointed out with attacks bordering on anthropological racism, always responsible for everything, even accused of having provoked the clash with France with a tweet. And who now, after being described as very powerful in that he would have dictated the agenda to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the tightening of NGOs on immigration, within a very few days he reprises, in certain narrations, in the role of a "supporting actor" of Meloni .

He would always be the true recipient of Giorgetti's statement, during the press conference on the Maneuver, on the fact that the center-right government is not the one that is irresponsible in terms of spending, that executive, unreliable, branded as "sovereign". It is evident that the Minister of Economy was angry with the campaign of the Democratic Party and other leftist oppositions, all played abroad on the democratic alarm in case "the right" won.

And instead, no, he would have had it with the Minister of Infrastructure, deputy prime minister and his secretary, of which he is deputy in the party. In short, "the telenovela from the Po valley" is being taken up in the media, to which Beautiful risks giving a thumbs up. Because from the yellow-green government of Conte-1 onwards if things had gone according to a certain left-wing political and media narrative, Giorgetti would have split at least 100 times already from Salvini. Just as in the past Maroni would have done just as much for Bossi.

The League of yesterday and today has actually always been a sort of obsession with the left that has cultivated the dream of splitting it and hegemonic it, with a table division between bad "barbarians" and moderate "barbarians". At first trying to take advantage of the youthful left-wing loves of "Bobo", who however, as the ex-minister, another senior Northern League member, Roberto Castelli said yesterday, in an interview with the Giornale , was certainly "moderate", a man of dialogue, but "I've always remained a true Northern League supporter". So much so that the left was often displaced by the "moderate" Northern League supporter.

Maroni, then Minister of the Interior, did not intend to leave the first Berlusconi government in 1994, resisting Bossi himself, until the famous episode of a couple of geranium pots that some militants tried to throw at him on stage at a conference in those days in Genoa. "Bobo" is the Northern League who, on Bossi's mandate, after months of "Aventine", brings the "Po Valley" delegation back to Rome in a blaze of green ties and pocket squares and blows up an important agreement in D'Alema's Bicameral , then in particular axis with Gianfranco Fini. The then leader of An saw him and immediately understood: "Here, the sappers have arrived." Maroni, smiling and slyly, said: "We've come for a walk in Rome."

Today of ex with leftist youthful passions on which to hope in vain in the League there is really no one, if not paradoxically the ex-boyfriend "Po Valley communist" Salvini, precisely the leader depicted almost with a knife between his teeth next to the deputy of Sinistra Italiana and Verdi Soumahoro on covers entitled " Men and No ". And the cautious Giorgetti has always been a Northern League supporter at heart, like Salvini himself, from a very young age. The Northern League slogan of many years ago said: "Neither black nor red, but all free with Bossi", to underline the deep-rooted DNA of a pragmatic and post-ideological party, which due to its liberal line in favor of growth and development and against the tax burden could also be defined as center in the centre-right coalition. So much so that the much insulted Papeete actually happened on the no to the Tav of the Five Stars.

Now, however, the obsession with the "captain", one day very powerful, another a simple sidekick for Meloni remains. Meanwhile, because he returned to being deputy prime minister, he remained leader of the League which confirmed his trust despite having paid a consensus price for having participated in the Draghi government not of unity, but of national emergency. While the Democratic Party is gripped between Giuseppe Conte and the "third pole". Carlo Calenda, on the other hand, announces counter -proposals on the maneuver and will confront Meloni, satisfied because the budget law "will help families and businesses". The Dems, on the other hand, have engaged in the "war" of the squares with the Five Stars, this time anticipating them with a demonstration on December 17 and three of their representatives in Strasbourg (Pietro Bartolo, Andrea Cozzolino and Massimiliano Smeriglio) vote against the resolution of Ppe, Renew , Liberals and Conservatives on "Russia as a sponsor of terrorism", while the MEPs of the League vote in favor, distinguishing themselves from the rest of the Identity and Democracy group, where Francesca Donato votes against, but has not been from the League for some time.

So, who would be the "pro-Putinian"? Captain"? But the paper "telenovela in the Po" has, in the meantime, resumed, with an attempt to hold some "conference" in someone else's house. Operation with the League always failed.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/lega-giorgetti-salvini/ on Thu, 24 Nov 2022 06:42:34 +0000.