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The strange case of the journalist Giorgia Meloni

The strange case of the journalist Giorgia Meloni

The idiosyncrasy for the newspapers confessed by Giorgia Meloni to Bruno Vespa is bizarre . Damato's Scratches

Of the 47 years she will turn on January 15th, Giorgia Meloni will be able to boast of having spent more than 30 in politics, inspired in 1992 by the tragic death of Paolo Borsellino to join the youth front of the then Social Movement, and 18 in Parliament. Where she alternated between majority roles, to the point of leading the current one as prime minister, and opposition roles.

Although overtaken by Gianfranco Fini as president of the Chamber, of which she was only vice president, Meloni outclassed him in everything else, even in her private life, having just been with her partner, and father of her daughter, much more reactive, so to speak, of the former right-wing leader. Who literally slipped into a family affair such as that of the famous house in Monte Carlo which was passed from the party to his brother-in-law in a daring plot which ultimately also cost him his political career.


But as well as in Parliament, between the benches of the presidency of the Chamber, of the government and the seats of the hemicycle, Meloni will be able to say on 15 January that she has spent 18 years also where few perhaps imagine her: in a professional order such as that of journalists, arrived there on 11 February 2006. But as a journalist, and therefore also a colleague, allow me to consider it strange after the idiosyncrasy for newspapers confessed in Bruno Vespa's book so copiously anticipated in recent days. In particular, the prime minister let it slip that she doesn't read newspapers so as not to be influenced by them.

It's like "the voter who boasts of not voting", my friend Mattia Feltri commented in the Press , officially enrolling her in a party even bigger than that of the Italian brothers which she brought to around 30 percent of votes. It is naturally the party of abstentionism. And this "tells us how we are", Mattia always wrote, after having tried in vain to console himself with a long list of men and women who abandoned themselves to more or less contingent waste from newspapers who however survived them, however badly they were.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/giorgia-meloni-giornalista/ on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:20:25 +0000.