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The too many electoral babau

The too many electoral babau

Final rush of the election campaign. Where little “atlantist” the same conception of the principle of alternation has been confirmed. Paola Sacchi's note

The last Monday of the electoral campaign records a clash again over Europe, with Enrico Letta who from Germany, guest of the SPD with the German cancellation Olaf Scholz in Berlin, beats hard on the alarm button for the EU on the possible victory of the center-right in towing of the "friends of Orban". Raises the secretary of the Democratic Party on the "nationalism of the right that blow only on fears". And he warns: "If they win, Putin will be the only one to be happy".

Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini always at the center of the attacks of the Democratic Party. The president of Fratelli d'Italia, from "Fourth Republic" by Nicola Porro, Rete 4, warns that in this way the image of Italy abroad is damaged, putting it "at risk with respect to investors": "This thing that the left in order to govern she would be willing to do it even on the rubble she drives me crazy ". The president of FdI also has it for Mario Draghi who invited her to choose Orban for Italian interests: “I find Draghi's declarations, on alliances, anti-European. After that we certainly do not let Orban dictate the line ”.

Silvio Berlusconi defends Meloni: "I have a different history and culture from hers, but Giorgia was one of my ministers and calling her a danger is ridiculous". The Cav at SkyTg24 then underlines the role of Forza Italia as a “pro-European, Atlanticist, guarantor” of a future center-right government. Then it's a little Berlusconi show. An insect in the studio annoys him, the Cav catches him on the fly and jokes: “I'm still a smart one, I think we'll send the video to TikTok”.

Matteo Salvini, fresh from the crowd in Pontida , where the League has relaunched on Autonomy, goes to the South, in Puglia and Calabria. In Crotone he explains in a rally that “Autonomy is not against the South, on the contrary it helps it to grow and use its resources better, to redeem itself”. On security and citizenship income: “The League is a guarantee to stop the landings of illegal immigrants. Citizenship income will not be taken away from those who really need it ".

But, to distinguish Salvini's election day, which reassures about the five-year duration of the center-right government ("We will not quarrel with Giorgia and Silvio"), are above all the interviews with the US news site Newsmax and with the giant Bloomberg with headquarters in New York. Overseas messages. League sources point out that in addition to Newsmax , "on the day he receives an affectionate text message from Marine Le Pen, Salvini also speaks to Bloomberg and relaunches the themes of the League". On Russia: "My opinion of Putin really changed during the war, because when someone starts invading, bombing, sending tanks to another country, well, everything changes."

What will not change for Salvini, however, is Italy's international position. "For the foreseeable future, China is our main competitor," he highlights. And he says: "We must fear it because it is not a democracy and is ready to invade the European market with its products and goods, starting with the automotive industry with the new electrification trend".

Then Salvini "reassures investors about a possible center-right government – Bloomberg observes – saying that it will be stable and united regardless of which party will prevail within the coalition".

But, in the meantime, in Italy there are three leaders who are asking Minister Luciana Lamorgese to monitor the electoral campaign for episodes of violence and threats. And it's not just Meloni and Salvini. Matteo Renzi did it too.

Giuseppe Conte's invitation to the leader of IV, in turn a former prime minister, a five star leader and former prime minister, to discuss "without escort" on citizenship income was not a good episode in this electoral campaign. But Renzi did not turn to Lamorgese for this, he did so for a series of anonymous threats received. Disturbing were the episodes with threats signed by the 5-pointed star and the provocations at the rallies for Meloni and the Lega militants physically attacked in Marina di Carrara, in addition to the sequel of daily insults to Salvini.

But we are now in the final rush of a bad election campaign. Where little “atlantist” the same conception of the principle of alternation has been confirmed.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/i-troppi-babau-elettorali/ on Tue, 20 Sep 2022 05:19:12 +0000.