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The tumors of Purgatori, the pampering of Piantedosi in Bisignani, the lies of the publishers

The tumors of Purgatori, the pampering of Piantedosi in Bisignani, the lies of the publishers

Purgatori, Piantedosi, Bisignani, Crosetto, Macron and more. Press review pills by Michele Arnese











It all began on April 24th, when Purgatori admitted himself to the Villa Margherita private clinic. Nothing serious, just a vague sense of exhaustion that prompts him to carry out some checks: the journalist is very attentive to his health and undergoes in-depth periodic check-ups which have always resulted in perfect health.

This time, however, the tests reveal out of place parameters, found by a CT scan and a biopsy, and he is sent for further information to a famous clinic on the Aurelia, the Casa di Cura Pio XI. Here, according to the complaint, in early May Professor Gianfranco Gualdi, head of radiology and recognized expert on the subject, formulates a heavy diagnosis of lung cancer with metastases spread to nearby organs and the brain.

According to the radiologist, the situation is very serious and it is therefore necessary to start radiotherapy immediately. Purgatori is thus diverted to a third clinic where, based on the diagnosis, they decide to immediately start cycles of very high-dose radiotherapy.

Until that moment, […] Purgatori was in excellent health and continued his life and professional activity normally, so much so that the doctors were amazed at his condition in relation to the clinical picture that emerged from the tests. Which corresponds to that of a terminally ill person with a life expectancy of no more than six months.

Purgatori seeks the best treatments. He goes to a highly specialized center in radiotherapy, […] where they confirm the diagnosis and radiotherapy continuing with the high doses. The journalist is still well and on May 17 he recorded an episode of "Atlantis", his program on La7. But after a few days the situation begins to worsen. Purgatori is increasingly tired and confused, tested by the side effects of the powerful drugs he is forced to take.

However, in the clinic where the tumor had been diagnosed, the head physician and his team confirmed the success of the therapy: the metastases would have been considerably reduced. The conditions of the journalist, says the complaint, however, plummet. Struggles to carry out daily activities, starts not drinking and not eating. Exams and visits fail to resolve the rapid aggravation until he is hospitalized again in Villa Margherita in June.

The outcome of the new CT scan […] upsets all the painfully acquired certainties up to that moment: the doctors found only some cerebral ischemia, but found no trace of any brain metastases. For the doctor, this diagnosis, sensationally different from the one that led to the choice of therapy, fully explains Purgatori's clinical picture.

Two days later, an MRI of the brain examined by the neuroradiologist Alessandro Bozzao, full professor of Sapienza, also ruled out the presence of metastases. The professor is so surprised that he repeats the exam a second time, crossing it with the one performed on Pius XI, before issuing his verdict: not only are there no metastases, but there never would have been.

Tomorrow he spoke to the Pius XI clinic which he however sent back to Gualdi, but his secretary said he could not speak because he was busy at work. After the tac, Andrea is getting worse and worse. Among the luminaries there are those who confirm the initial diagnosis and insist on the treatment already started and those who refute it radically. The family members would also learn of "a tremendous quarrel between Gualdi and Bozzao", which however remains on its position: all the X-rays taken from the beginning only confirm the diagnosis of cerebral ischemia, a possibly curable pathology.

In the meantime Purgatori has returned home, but he is very ill. On the morning of 8 July, his personal assistant called the ambulance which took him to Umberto I with sirens blaring. His conditions were very serious and his family were accompanied to a small room where the doctors were preparing for the delicate conversation.

Surprisingly, however, they do not announce his death but have a radiologist intervene in the room, who in those excited moments is concerned with confirming to the family the presence of the famous brain metastases […]

The doctor in question, in addition to working on Umberto I, as the family points out in the complaint, collaborated with Gualdi in the Pius XI clinic and "was one of the signatories of the report dated May 8 from which the diagnosis started". On 19 July Purgatori dies at Umberto I.



Could Andrea Purgatori have been saved? Was it taken care of right? If you ask the family of the journalist and TV presenter who died the day before yesterday, at the age of 70, following a very serious form of cancer. But that's not enough. The public prosecutor's office, which has opened an investigation file for manslaughter, also asks for it. The proceeding was opened after a complaint by Purgatori's three children and partner about alleged wrong treatments.

To the pain and despair of his sudden disappearance is now added the torment of an erroneous diagnosis. The atrocious doubt of the family members, on which their accusations are based, highlighted in a complaint to the carabinieri of the Nas (Anti-sophistication unit), is that the doctors have mistaken the treatments for Purgatori, attacked by cancer in the last two months. To be more specific there is a suspicion that he was being treated for a brain tumor instead of a lung one. "They gave him radiotherapy to the brain instead of the lungs," accuse the family members assisted by the Gentiloni lawyers.

The complaint presented by the journalist's family is against unknown persons, but it indicates the three Roman clinics where he was hospitalized. The names of the various doctors who followed him in these private health facilities were also reported. The pool of magistrates led by the deputy prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco has the task of verifying the hypotheses raised by those who loved the victim.

"Ascertaining the correctness of the diagnosis" is in fact what the journalist's family urges. In detail, the family members, in a note, ask for checks on the diagnosis "reported in a Roman clinical note and the consequent need for the heavy therapies prescribed to him, and if, due to the same possible diagnostic errors, the treatments actually necessary have been omitted".


THE INVESTIGATIONS OF THE JUDGMENT ON THE DEATH OF PURGATORS; launch of the Agi agency ( here the full launch )

There are two people registered in the register of suspects – learns the AGI – in the proceeding opened by the Rome prosecutor's office on the death of the journalist Andrea Purgatori, after a complaint presented by family members. Against the two, who work in a diagnostic facility in the capital, the charge is manslaughter. The medical records of the journalist, who died on 19 July in a Roman hospital after a "brief and fulminant illness" will be seized today.

The deed will be carried out by the carabinieri, coordinated by the Roman magistrates, at the clinics where the journalist was being treated for lung cancer and some brain problems. And it is precisely on this last medical pathology that the investigations of the prosecutor are concentrated. In fact, it will be essential to clarify whether or not Purgatori had brain metastases, as would appear to have emerged from the x-rays in the first clinic that followed the journalist. During the subsequent medical tests that took place in another structure in the capital, however, no metastases would have emerged.

In fact, according to the doctors, the lesions would have been signs of ischemia. For this reason, in the past few hours, family members have spoken of an error in the diagnosis and of wrong treatment. The first step to shed light on the matter will be the autopsy which will most likely be carried out on Monday. If the examination confirms the presence of metastases, the investigation could go towards archiving, but otherwise a real battle will open between coroners, consultants and sector experts. The investigations will not be rapid and will take time.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/i-tumori-di-purgatori-le-coccole-di-piantedosi-a-bisignani-le-frottole-degli-editori/ on Fri, 21 Jul 2023 12:45:15 +0000.